Copyright ©The Author(s) 2021.
World J Clin Oncol. Aug 24, 2021; 12(8): 664-674
Published online Aug 24, 2021. doi: 10.5306/wjco.v12.i8.664
Table 2 Summary of the available studies examining the use of adjuvant therapy in the treatment of stage I, II, and III typical carcinoid and atypical carcinoid
Study information; Stage and SubgroupRef.
Westin et al[23], 2017
Wegner et al[21], 2019
Gosain et al[22], 2019
Nussbaum et al[24], 2015
Anderson et al[25], 2017
Herde et al[26], 2018
Chong et al[27], 2014
Buonerba et al[29], 2010
ATChemotherapyChemotherapy, radiation or chemoradiationChemotherapyChemotherapyChemotherapyChemoradiation or radiation aloneChemoradiationChemotherapy; SSA
Study Retrospective; NCDBRetrospective; NCDBRetrospective; NCDBRetrospective; NCDBRetrospective; NCDBRetrospective; Single InstitutionRetrospective; Single InstitutionCase Report
Othernode +NANAnode +Comparing node + and node -NANANA
I; TCNASurgery without AT3Surgery without ATNANAAT in patients with adverse pathologic features9NANA
I; ACNASurgery without AT3Surgery without AT@ (5-yr OS of 84% in obs vs 52% AT; P < 0.01)NASurgery without AT in node - (OS at 12 and 60 mo in AT 86.7% and 73.3%, vs obs 87.9% and 72.3% P = 0.54).AT in patients with adverse pathologic features9NAChemotherapy followed by SSA; 10-yr PFS
II; TCSurgery without AT (inferior OS with AT)1Surgery without AT3Surgery without ATSurgery without AT5,6 (5-yr OS 81.9% obs, vs 69.7% AT; P = 0.042)NAAT in patients with adverse pathologic features9chemotherapy may be beneficial in a subset of patients8NA
II; ACSurgery without AT (no OS benefit)2Surgery without AT3Surgery without AT (5-yr survival of 81% in obs vs 55% AT; P = 0.34). NASurgery without AT in node +7AT in patients with adverse pathologic features9chemotherapy may be beneficial in a subset of patients8NA
III; TCSurgery without AT (inferior OS with AT)1Surgery without AT4Surgery without ATSurgery without AT5,6 (5-yr OS 81.9% obs, vs 69.7% AT; P = 0.042)NAAT in patients with adverse pathologic features9chemotherapy may be beneficial in a subset of patients8NA
III; ACSurgery without AT (no OS benefit)2Surgery without AT4Surgery without AT but trend towards benefit (46% in obs vs 54% AT; P = 0.24)NASurgery without AT in node +7AT in patients with adverse pathologic features9chemotherapy may be beneficial in a subset of patients8NA