Copyright ©The Author(s) 2017.
World J Gastrointest Pharmacol Ther. Feb 6, 2017; 8(1): 26-38
Published online Feb 6, 2017. doi: 10.4292/wjgpt.v8.i1.26
Table 2 Antidepressants and liver toxicity
EpidemiologyType of lesionMechanism
Tricyclic antidepressants
ImipramineALT transient elevation-20%[45] Cholestatic jaundice: 0.5%-1%[2] DILI: 4/100000 patient-years[2,46] Fatal/Trxp DILI: 1[47]Hepatocellular, cholestaticImmuno-allergic
AmitriptilineALT transient elevation-10%[45] Abnormal LFT: 3%[48] Fatal/Trxp DILI: 1[39]Hepatocellular, cholestaticImmuno-allergic
ClomipramineSevere DILI: 2 reports[42,49]HepatocellularImmuno-allergic
MAO inibitors
MoclobemideAbnormal LFT: 3%[50] Fatal DILI: 1[51]Hepatocellular, cholestaticImmuno-allergic
Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
VenlafaxineALT > 3ULN: 0.4%[52] Severe DILI: 6[53-56] Fatal DILI/Trxp: 1[57]Hepatocellular, cholestaticImmuno-allergic, metabolic
DuloxetineALT > 3ULN: 1.1%[58] ALT > 5ULN: 0.6%[59] DILI: 26.2/100000 patient-years[60,61] Severe DILI-7[5] Fatal/Trxp DILI: 13[60]Hepatocellular, cholestatic, mixedImmuno-allergic, metabolic
Serotonin-reuptake inhibitors
SertralineALT > 3ULN: 0.5%-1.3%[46] DILI: 1.28/100000 patient-years[46] Severe DILI: 4[62-65] Fatal/Trxp DILI: 2[66,67]Hepatocellular, cholestatic, mixedImmuno-allergic, metabolic
ParoxetineALT > 3ULN: 1%[46] Severe DILI: 4[68-71]Hepatocellular, cholestatic, chronic hepatitisMetabolic
FluoxetineALT > 3ULN: 0.5%[46] Severe DILI: 6[72-77]Hepatocellular, cholestatic, chronic hepatitisMetabolic
FluvoxamineUnknown[38] DILI: 3[78-80]HepatocellularMetabolic
Citalopram, escitalopramNo difference in LFT vs placebo[81,82]??
Other antidepressants
NefazodoneDILI: 28.96/10000 patient-years[38] Severe DILI-35[83] Fatal-20[83]Hepatocellular, cholestatic, mixedMetabolic
TrazodoneALT > 3 unknown[38] Severe DILI-7[84] Fatal/Trxp DILI-2[57,85]Hepatocellular, cholestaticImmuno-allergic
BupropionALT > 3ULN: 0.1%-1%[86] Severe DILI: 3[86-88] Fatal/Trxp DILI: 2[89,90]??
AgomelatineALT > 3ULN: 1.4% (25 mg/d) ALT > 3ULN: 2.5% (50 mg/d)[6,91] Severe DILI: 6 reports[92,93] Fatal/Trxp DILI: 1[94]Hepatocellular
MirtazapineALT > 3ULN: 2%[95] Severe DILI 2: reports[96]