Copyright ©The Author(s) 2025.
World J Gastrointest Pharmacol Ther. Mar 5, 2025; 16(1): 97918
Published online Mar 5, 2025. doi: 10.4292/wjgpt.v16.i1.97918
Table 6 Factors associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease symptoms
AgeWith increasing age, the elasticity of the pharyngoesophageal membrane reduces, progressively leading to hiatal hernias, predisposing to GERD[128]; the prevalence of GERD symptoms is highest in those aged 40 to 59 years in the systematic review by Nirwan et al[34]
GenderFemales had a slightly higher prevalence of GERD than males in systematic reviews by Nirwan et al[34] and Friedland et al[128]
Education levelThose with the lowest education level had the highest GERD prevalence, whilst those with the highest level of education had the lowest GERD prevalence[34,129]
EthnicitiesEthnicities can play a role in development of GERD even in the same country[14], though some studies did not find any significant difference[59]
Economic strataLower-income groups are reported to have a significantly higher prevalence of GERD[34,128]
Urban or ruralGERD is reported to be higher in urban populations[34,74,130]
ObesityObesity is an identified risk factor for GERD[34,131,132]
Mental stressMental stress is shown to increase GERD symptoms[9,133]
DietCommon food items associated with GERD are: Spices[10], carbonated beverages[134], wheat products[135], tea[136], coffee[137], sour and acidic food[138], alcohol[78], chocolate[139], dietary sugar[140]
HabitsHabits associated with GERD include: Large meals[141], sleeping after eating a meal[142], eating a meal fast[135], habit of midnight snacks[143], skipping meals[143], inadequate sleep[134], exercise[142,144], smoking[145]
Diseases and treatmentsSome diseases such as asthma[146], diabetes mellitus[147], and different medications[148-151] are known to be associated with GERD symptoms