Case Report
Copyright ©2013 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Radiol. Feb 28, 2013; 5(2): 41-44
Published online Feb 28, 2013. doi: 10.4329/wjr.v5.i2.41
Table 1 Summary of infection control recommendations for radiology arthrogram procedures
Procedure room scheduling
Avoid performing barium studies and arthrograms in the same procedure room
If it is necessary to share a procedure room provide block time slots for barium studies and arthrogram procedures separated by thorough cleaning.
Where possible, scheduling arthrograms (along with ports/hickmans, etc.) first thing in the morning prior to barium studies and other potentially contaminating procedures such as enteric stenting/abscess drainage, etc.
Procedure room cleaning
If the room is to be used for both barium and arthrogram procedures, a thorough cleaning must be performed between barium studies and arthrograms
Limit the staffing options to assistants for all arthrograms
Arthrogram kit
Replace the kit drape with a larger drape to ensure a maximum sterile barrier
Chlorhexidine gluconate swabs should be used to sterilize skin
Use proper swab technique: Circle from the inside to the outside
Maintain the sterile field
Use a sterile sleeve over the image intensifier for each procedure
The assistant must wear sterile gloves, hat and mask
Ensure that sterile gloves are worn when in contact with the sterile kit, when preparing the injectate
All staff must change gloves if they leave the procedure room and re-enter
Any tool used to mark the patient prior to the arthrogram must be wiped down with the hospital-approved disinfectant wipes before and after use
Any tool that may contact the patient or anything in the sterile field must be sterilized