Systematic Reviews
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2016.
World J Radiol. Oct 28, 2016; 8(10): 829-845
Published online Oct 28, 2016. doi: 10.4329/wjr.v8.i10.829
Table 5 Studies on molecular imaging in paediatric patients included in the present review
Ref.YearPts (n)Age (range)Type of studyClinical settingPrincipal resultsTechniqueSegments evaluated (n)Criterion for positivity
Papós et al[48]1996204-18ProspectiveIBDsensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of LS were 93%, 88% and 91%, respectively99mTc-HMPAO-WBC planar scintigraphy (30 min and 2 and 3 h)Scored relative to the normal bone marrow uptake (0, no uptake; 1 < bone marrow uptake; 2 = bone marrow uptake; and 3 > bone marrow uptake)
Charron et al[36]1998178n.r.RetrospectiveUseful in distinguishing discontinuous from continuous colitis99mTc-HMPAO-WBC planar scintigraphy + SPECT (0.5-1 h, 2-4 h)
Cucchiara et al[35]1999482-17Prospectivesuspected IBDsignificant correlation between results of scintigraphy and endoscopy for the intensity of inflammation99mTc-HMPAO-WBC planar scintigraphy (dynamic + 30, 60, 120 and 180 min)9Abnormal if activity was seen in the gut within the first hour. 0 = no labeling; 1 = less than bone marrow; 2 = greater than bone marrow, less than liver; and 3 = greater than or equal to liver
Del Rosario et al[50]1999352-20RetrospectiveIBD83% sensitivity which prompted more aggressive management in 75% of cases99mTc-HMPAO-WBC planar scintigraphy (30 min + 2 h)
Charron et al[33]1999184n.r.RetrospectiveSensitivity = 90%, specificity = 97%, overall accuracy = 93%99mTc-HMPAO-WBC planar scintigraphy + SPECT (0.5-1 h, 2-4 h ± 6 h ± 24 h)
Charron et al[37]2000262n.r.RetrospectiveIBDUseful as initial screening modality to exclude IBD99mTc-HMPAO-WBC planar scintigraphy + SPECT (0.5-1 h, 2-4 h)
Alberini et al[32]2001282-15RetrospectiveSensitivity and specificity were 75% and 92% for 99mTc-HMPAO-WBC99mTc-HMPAO-WBC planar scintigraphy (1 + 3 h, p.i.)
Davison et al[38]200110n.r.ProsepctiveCD99mTc-HMPAO leucocyte scintigraphy should not be depended upon as a screening test for Crohn’s disease99mTc-HMPAO-WBC planar scintigraphy + (45 min + 3.5 h)Abdominal isotope uptake equal to or greater than that associated with the bone marrow was considered to indicate significant inflammation
Bruno et al[41]2002664-19ProspectiveSensitivity of immunoscitigraphy was 94% for CD and 85% for UC with a relative low specificity99mTc-BW250/183 planar scintigraphy (4 + 24 h, p.i.)
Grahnquist et al[39]2003952-16ProspectiveSuspected IBD (screening test)As a screening test for children with suspected IBD the calculated sensitivity was 75%, and the specificity was 82%99mTc-HMPAO-WBC planar scintigraphy (45 min + 3.5 h)6
Peacock et al[40]2004642-19RetrospectiveSuspected IBD99mTc-Stannous colloid LS had an 88% sensitivity, 90% specificity99mTc-stannous colloid WCS planar + SPECT (1 h, 3 h)
Chroustova et al[47]2009405-18Monitoring IBD (17 = UC, 23 = CD)99mTc-HMPAO-WBC provided good information about the current stage of disease in IBD monitoring99mTc-HMPAO-WBC planar scintigraphy + SPECT (30-45 min, 2 h, 3 h)Graded 1-3 according to the uptake intensity. Grade 1 = a barely detectable abnormal uptake, grade 3 = an abnormal uptake at least as intense as that in the bone marrow and grade 2 was between these extremes. The extent of the abnormal uptake was subjectively classified as A (restricted to a single small focus), C (diffuse, such as in pancolitis) or B (between these extremes)
Caobelli et al[34]2011522-17ProspectiveSensitivity of 94%, specificity of 86%, and negative predictive value of 96% to diagnose IBD. During the follow-up, all relapses and remissions were correctly recognized99mTc-HMPAO-WBC planar scintigraphy (0.5 h, 3 h, p.i.)Disease severity was graded by the focal uptake intensity vs iliac bone uptake (Scan Activity Index) and compared with Endoscopy Mayo Score

  • Citation: Caobelli F, Evangelista L, Quartuccio N, Familiari D, Altini C, Castello A, Cucinotta M, Di Dato R, Ferrari C, Kokomani A, Laghai I, Laudicella R, Migliari S, Orsini F, Pignata SA, Popescu C, Puta E, Ricci M, Seghezzi S, Sindoni A, Sollini M, Sturiale L, Svyridenka A, Vergura V, Alongi P, Young AIMN Working Group. Role of molecular imaging in the management of patients affected by inflammatory bowel disease: State-of-the-art. World J Radiol 2016; 8(10): 829-845
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