Retrospective Cohort Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2017.
World J Cardiol. Feb 26, 2017; 9(2): 154-161
Published online Feb 26, 2017. doi: 10.4330/wjc.v9.i2.154
Table 3 Baseline demographics of all left ventricular assist device patients, left ventricular assist device patients from 1998-2005 (pulsatile-flow era), and left ventricular assist device patients from 2006-2011 (continuous-flow era)
All LVADs (n = 2200)1998-2005 (n = 589)2006-2011 (n = 1611)P-valuea
Mortality, n (%)590 (26.5)253 (43.0)329 (20.4)< 0.001
Same admission OHT, n (%)164 (7.5)102 (17.3)62 (3.8)< 0.001
Early same admission OHT, n (%)41 (25.0)22 (21.6)19 (30.6)0.373
Early same admission OHT mortality, n (%)11 (26.8)8 (36.4)3 (15.8)0.319
Length of stay after early OHT, mean ± SD23.8 ± 21.430.9 ± 26.017.6 ± 14.30.054
Late same admission OHT, n (%)123 (75.0)80 (78.4)43 (69.4)0.849
Late same admission OHT mortality, n (%)15 (12.2)11 (13.8)4 (9.3)0.774
Length of stay after late OHT, mean ± SD25.6 ± 26.926.1 ± 22.925.4 ± 29.00.883
Length of stay, mean ± SD40.5 ± 38.944.7 ± 48.639.0 ± 34.60.008
Age, mean ± SD53.4 ± 13.753.2 ± 13.455.4 ± 13.4< 0.001
Sex, n (%)
Male1659 (75.4)433 (73.5)1226 (76.1)0.23
Female541 (24.6)156 (26.5)385 (23.9)
Race, n (%)< 0.001
White1274 (57.9)327 (55.5)947 (58.8)
Black352 (16.0)62 (10.5)290 (18.0)
Hispanic142 (6.5)28 (4.8)114 (7.1)
Asian/Pacific Islander51 (2.3)13 (2.2)38 (2.4)
Native American5 (0.2)1 (0.2)4 (0.2)
Other or unknown376 (17.1)143 (24.3)148 (9.2)
Median household income, n (%)< 0.001
$1-24999475 (21.6)88 (14.9)387 (24.0)
$25000-34999491 (22.3)126 (21.4)365 (22.7)
$35000-44999552 (25.1)141 (23.9)411 (25.5)
$45000 or more631 (28.7)214 (36.3)417 (25.9)
Unknown51 (2.3)20 (3.4)31 (2.4)
Diabetes391 (17.8)91 (15.4)300 (18.6)0.097
Hyperlipidemia310 (14.1)61 (10.4)249 (15.5)0.003
Hypertension309 (14.0)88 (14.9)221 (13.7)0.508
History of smoking131 (6.0)29 (4.9)102 (6.3)0.257
BMI ≥ 30 kg/m296 (4.4)12 (2.0)84 (5.2)0.002
No. of comorbid diagnosis, mean ± SD12.7 ± 2.910.6 ± 2.913.5 ± 2.5< 0.001
Location of hospital, n (%)0.73
Rural17 (0.8)5 (0.8)12 (0.7)
Urban2181 (99.1)583 (99.0)1598 (99.2)
Unknown2 (0.1)1 (0.2)1 (0.1)
Size of hospital, n (%)0.002
Small38 (1.7)20 (3.4)18 (1.1)
Medium229 (10.4)67 (11.4)162 (10.1)
Large1931 (87.8)501 (85.1)1430 (88.8)
Unknown2 (0.1)1 (0.2)1 (0.1)
Teaching status of hospital, n (%)< 0.001
Nonteaching165 (7.5)75 (12.7)90 (5.6)
Teaching2033 (92.4)513 (87.1)1520 (94.4)
Unknown2 (0.1)1 (0.2)1 (0.1)