Copyright ©The Author(s) 2015.
World J Cardiol. Nov 26, 2015; 7(11): 707-718
Published online Nov 26, 2015. doi: 10.4330/wjc.v7.i11.707
Table 1 Clinical Trials of mesenchymal stem cells, cardiosphere-derived cells and cardiac stem cells in heart disease
Trial nameStudy designNo. of patientsDelivery methodCell doseEnd pointevaluationFollow-up periodOutcome
Chen et al[10]Randomized, controlled studyMSC n = 34 Control n = 35Intracoronary48-60 × 109 cellsEchocardiography3 and 6 moLVEF↑
POSEIDON[28]Randomized, Pilot studyMSC n = 30 Auto vs AlloIntramyocardial (transendocardial)20, 100, 200 × 106 cellsCardiac CT12 moLVEF↔ LVEDV↓
PROMETHEUS[29]Randomized, Pilot studyMSC n = 6 No controlIntramyocardial (transepicardial)20, 200 × 106 cellsMRI18 moLVEF↑ Scar size↓
C-CURE[30]Randomized, controlled studyMSC n = 21 Control n = 15Intramyocardial (transendocardial)7 × 106 cellsEchocardiography6 and 24 moLVEF↑ LVESV↓
CADUCEUS[36,37]Randomized, controlled studyCDC n = 17 Control n = 8Intracoronary12.5-25 × 106 cellsMRI6 and 12 moLVEF↔ Scar size↓
ALCADIAPilot studyCDC n = 6 No controlIntracoronary25-30 × 106 cellsMRI12 moLVEF↑ Scar size↓
TICAP[38]Randomized, controlled studyCDC n = 7 Control n = 7Intracoronary2-3 × 106 cellsMRI18 moLVEF↑
SCIPIO[50]Randomized, controlled studyCSC n = 20 Control n = 13Intracoronary1 × 106 cellsEchocardiography MRI12 moLVEF↑ Scar size↓