Copyright ©The Author(s) 2016.
World J Biol Chem. Feb 26, 2016; 7(1): 110-127
Published online Feb 26, 2016. doi: 10.4331/wjbc.v7.i1.110
Table 1 Oxidative stress and redox status in natural population of various animals under high habitat temperature
Name of the animalModulatorTissue/organ/cell fractionsROSOSAOERef.
Mytilus spp. (bivalve) and Macoma balthica (bivalve)High temperature in summerWhole animalNANANA[129]
Anodonta anatina freshwater duck musselHigh temperature in summerWhole animalNANANA[130]
Perna viridis (green-lipped mussel)Low temperature WinterDigestive glandH2O2TBARS↓SOD↓, GPx[131]
-do--do-GillsH2O2TBARS↓SOD↓, GPx[131]
-do--do-MantleNATBARS↓SOD↓, CAT↓[131]
Crassostrea rhizophorae (mangrove oyster)High temperature in summerGillNALipdperoxideCAT[132]
Viviparus acerosus (river snail)High temperature in summerWhole bodyNANASOD, CAT↓, GPx↓[133]
Ancylus Fluviatilis (lipmet)High temperature in summerWhole bodyNANANA[134]
Nacella (Patinigera) magellanica (limpet)High temperature in summerWhole body (for O2 consumption), Digestive gland (biochemical studies)NANASOD↓, CAT↑, GPx↑[135]
Gammarus roeseli (freshwater gammarid crustacean)High temperature in summerTissue poolNAMDA↑CAT, GPx↑[136]
Scylla serrata (mud crab)High temperature in summer with high salinityHepatopancreasH2O2TBAR↑, PC↑SOD↓, CAT↑, GPx↓[34]
-do--do-MuscleH2O2TBARS↑, PC↑SOD↓, CAT↑, GPx↓[34]
-do--do-GillH2O2TBARS↑, PC↑SOD↓, CAT↑, GPx↓[34]
Geophagus brasiliensis (cichlid fish acará)Comparatively high temperature in springLiverNATBARS↑, GSSG↑SOD↓,[137]
Gasterosteus aculeatus L. (three-spined stickleback fish)High temperature in summer with reproductive activityLiverNATBARS↑GPx↓[138]
Lepomis macrochirus (bluegill fish)HighWhole animalNANANA[139]
temperature in summer
Solea senegalensis (Senegal sole fish)High temperature with heavy metal loadLiverNATBARS↑CAT↓, GPx↓[140]
Barbus barbus L. (barbell fish)High temperature in summerLiverNANASOD↓, CAT↑[141]
-do--do-MuscleNANASOD↓, CAT↑[141]
Trachemys scripta elegans (red-eared sliders Turtle)High temperature in summerWhole animalNANANA[142]
Caiman yacare (crocodile)High temperature in summerLiver, Kidney, LungNAGSSG↑NA[143]
Tupinambis merianae (tegu lizard)Low temperature in winterWhole animalNANANA[116]
Rana ridibunda (frog)High temperature in summerLiverNATBARS↑, PC↓SOD↑, CAT↓[144]
Acrocephalus sechellensis (seychelles warbler bird)Low food availabilityBloodNAhydroperoxides↑NA[145]
Perdicula asiatica (bird)High temperature in summerLungsNAMDA↑SOD↓, CAT↓[146]
Hirundo rustica L. (Barn Swallow) birdSummer with higher temperatureLiverNALipid hydroperoxide, GSSG↑SOD, CAT↓, GPx[147]
Hirundo rustica L. (Barn Swallow) birdPre egg laying time verses post egg laying timeBlood plasmaNAMDA↑, PC↓NA[148]
Halichoerus grypus (Grey seal)Summer (No variation in temp)Whole animalNANANA[149]
Ovis aries (Rasa Aragonesa rams)Breeding season with high temperatureSemenNANASOD↑, CAT↑, GPx[150]
Bos Taurus (simmental bulls)High temperature in summerSemenNATBARS↑, PC↑GPx↑ (highest in autumn)[151]
(Kuroge washu) Japanese Black cowHigh temperature in summerBloodNATBARS↑SOD↓, GPx↓[152]
-do-Short photoperiod exposure in winter-do-NATBARS↑NA[152]
Rattus norvegicus (Wistar rats)High temperature in summerErythrocytesNATBARS↑SOD↓, GPx↓[153]
Guinea-pigsHigh temperature in summerHeartO2-↑NASOD↓[154]
Rattus norvegicus (Wistar rats)High temperature in summerHeartO2-↑SOD↓[154]
Homo sapiensHigh temperature in summer--NA8-isoprostane↑SOD↓[154]