Copyright ©The Author(s) 2021.
World J Biol Chem. Sep 27, 2021; 12(5): 87-103
Published online Sep 27, 2021. doi: 10.4331/wjbc.v12.i5.87
Table 2 Current available treatments for alcoholic liver disease
Treatment method
Treatment effects
AbstinenceStop drinkingAbstinence combined with disulfiram, naltrexone or acamprosateImprove overall survival at all stages[70]. Acamprosate has been shown to be effective in reducing withdrawal symptoms[77]
Nutritional TherapyReplenish nutrition1.5 g protein and 35 to 49 kcal per kg of body weight. Supplementation with vitaminsNutritional support showed improved hepatic encephalopathy and reduced infections in AH patients[80]
CorticosteroidAnti-inflammatory40 mg daily for 28 d, then 20 mg daily for 7 d, and 10 mg daily for 7 dShort-term histological improvement has been documented, however, no improvement in long term survival[83]
PentoxifyllineAnti-cytokine400 mg orally three times a day for 4 wkReduction in the levels of cytokines and lower mortality rate[86]
InfliximabAnti-cytokineNot confirmed. 5 mg/kg studiedFurther studies required. Treatment has shown to predispose patients to higher rate of infections as well as higher likelihood of mortality[93]
Liver transplantationSurgeryHealthy ‘donor’ liver transplanted. 6 mo abstinence requiredTransplantation has been shown to improve in quality of life[95,96]
N-acetylcysteineAntioxidantNot confirmedIn animal models NAC has been shown to prevent relapse and improve injury[111]. Further research is required
SAMAntioxidantNot confirmedSAM therapy has improved survival and delayed the need for transplants however other studies have not found evidence to support or refute its use[102,103]
SilymarinHerbalEurosil 85® 420 mg a dayTreatment with Silymarin reduced mortality and improved 4-yr overall survival in cirrhotic patients as well as improving liver function[119]
BetaineNutrientNot confirmedAnimal models have shown betaine supplementation can attenuate alcoholic fatty liver[106-108,120,121]