Retrospective Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Gastrointest Surg. Sep 27, 2024; 16(9): 2829-2841
Published online Sep 27, 2024. doi: 10.4240/wjgs.v16.i9.2829
Table 1 Characteristics of the patients
Age (years), median (P25-P75)53 (47.5-58)
    < 60, n (%)49 (87.50)
    ≥ 60, n (%)7 (12.50)
Sex, n (%)
    Male50 (89.29)
    Female6 (10.71)
Viral infection, n (%)
    Hepatitis B virus42 (75.00)
    Hepatitis C virus3 (5.36)
    Hepatitis B and C viruses11 (19.64)
Prior cancer treatment modalities, n (%)
    Untreated24 (42.86)
    Surgery6 (10.71)
    Ablation therapy3 (5.36)
    TACE23 (41.07)
Line of immunotherapy, n (%)
    First-line49 (87.5.0)
    Second-line5 (8.93)
    Third-line and beyond2 (3.57)
Immunotherapy cycles4 (3-8.5)
    ≤ 4 cycles29 (51.79)
    > 4 cycles27 (48.21)
TACE sessions, median (P25-P75)1 (1-2)
    1 time, n (%)36 (64.29)
    2 times, n (%)13 (23.21)
    3 times or more, n (%)7 (12.50)
Immunotherapy sequence, n (%)
    Before21 (37.50)
    After35 (62.50)
Concomitant targeted/immunotherapy, n (%)
    No5 (8.93)
    Yes51 (91.07)
Targeted/immunotherapy agents, n (%)
    Lenvatinib36 (64.29)
    Apatinib3 (5.36)
    Bevacizumab3 (5.36)
    Regorafenib6 (10.71)
    Sorafenib3 (5.36)
Targeted therapy duration (months), median (P25-P75)5 (3-9)
Tumor maximum diameter (mm), median (P25-P75)65 (39-93.5)
Tumor distribution, n (%)
    Unilateral liver34 (60.71)
    Bilateral liver22 (39.29)
Vascular invasion, n (%)21 (37.50)
Extrahepatic metastasis, n (%)7 (12.50)
BCLC staging, n (%)
    A4 (7.14)
    B16 (28.57)
    C36 (64.29)
Child-Pugh score, n (%)
    A55 (98.21)
    B1 (1.79)
ECOG performance status, n (%)
    054 (96.43)
    12 (3.57)
AFP (ng/mL), median (P25-P75)227.29 (38.7-9484.5)
ALT (IU/L), median (P25-P75)38.9 (26.25-60.7)
AST (IU/L), median (P25-P75)46 (34.25-76.2)
Total bilirubin (µmol/L), median (P25-P75)16.4 (12.65-23.025)