Clinical and Translational Research
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Gastrointest Surg. Oct 27, 2024; 16(10): 3288-3300
Published online Oct 27, 2024. doi: 10.4240/wjgs.v16.i10.3288
Table 5 Classifications of anal fistulas

Parks classification[22]
Garg classification[11,12]
St. James University Hospital classification[36]
Grade IIntersphinctericLow trans-sphincteric/low or high intersphincteric: Single tractIntersphincteric linear
Grade IITranssphinctericLow trans-sphincteric/low or high intersphincteric: Multiple tracts, horseshoe or associated abscessIntersphincteric with extension/s or associated abscess
Grade IIISuprasphinctericIIIA: High trans-sphincteric: Single tract; IIIB: (1) Anterior fistula in a female or any lower; (2) Grade I or II fistula with associated comorbidities1Trans-sphincteric linear
Grade IVExtrasphinctericHigh trans-sphincteric: Multiple tracts, horseshoe or associated abscessTrans-sphincteric with extension/s or associated abscess
Grade VSuprasphincteric or supralevator or extrasphincteric or RIFIL fistulaSupralevator and translevator extension