©The Author(s) 2023.
World J Gastrointest Surg. Jul 27, 2023; 15(7): 1485-1500
Published online Jul 27, 2023. doi: 10.4240/wjgs.v15.i7.1485
Published online Jul 27, 2023. doi: 10.4240/wjgs.v15.i7.1485
Table 1 Development studies of combined and intraoperative multivariate models
Ref. | Period + number | Sample region | Operation | Characteristics | Source of data | Models tested | Outcomes tested |
Janowak et al[26], 2015 | 2009-2013 (168) | United States | TT/TH/Hybrid/MIE | N: 93/168; H: N/A | Single centre | eSAS | Major morbidity |
Yoshida et al[28], 2015 | 2005-2013 (365) | Japan | TT | N: 113/250; H: N/A | Single centre | Yoshida score | Morbidity +; Major morbidity |
Stroyer et al[27], 2017 | 2011-2014 (234) | Denmark | TT | N: 188/234; H: N/A | Single centre | Modified eSAS, SAS, eSAS | Major morbidity |
Xi et al[30], 2019 | 2015-2018 (194) | China | TT/Hybrid/MIE | N: 48/194; H: N/A | Single centre | eSAS nomogram | Major morbidity |
Xi et al[29], 2020 | 2015-2017 (251) | China | TT/Hybrid/MIE | N: 56/251; H: N/A | Single centre | IPF nomogram | Major morbidity |
Huang et al[31], 2020 | 2016-2018 (330) | China | TT/Hybrid/MIE | N: 41/330; H: 321SCC/9AC | Single centre | Huang nomogram | Anastomotic leak |
- Citation: Grantham JP, Hii A, Shenfine J. Combined and intraoperative risk modelling for oesophagectomy: A systematic review. World J Gastrointest Surg 2023; 15(7): 1485-1500
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