Copyright ©The Author(s) 2017.
World J Diabetes. Feb 15, 2017; 8(2): 40-44
Published online Feb 15, 2017. doi: 10.4239/wjd.v8.i2.40
Table 1 Clinical trials comparing care in the intensive care unit vs the emergency department or medical ward for patients with diabetic ketoacidosis
Ref.CountryPatients enrolledSite of managementTherapy usedOutcomeLength of stay
Dunbar et al[12] Retrospective study (January 1994 - March 1995)United States6115: ICU 46: Regular floorNot mentionedMortality due to sepsis in only 1 patient with initial pH < 7.00ICU: 2 d Regular floor: Not mentioned
Umpierrez et al[14] Prospective randomized open trialUnited States4515: ICU 30: EDICU: Intravenous insulin drip ED: 15 subcutaneous insulin aspart Q1H ED: 15 subcutaneous insulin aspart Q2HHypoglycemic event presented in each group in only 1 patient per group. No complications, no recurrence of ketoacidosis and no mortalityICU: 4.5 ± 3 d ED with SC Q1H: 3.4 ± 3 d ED with SC Q2H 3.9 ± 3 d
Karoli et al[15] Prospective randomized open trial (January 2009 - June 2010)India5025: ICU 25: EDICU: 25 intravenous regular insulin ED: 25 subcutaneous insulin lisproHypoglycemic event presented, 2 patients in the ICU group and 1 patient in the ED group. No complications, no recurrence of ketoacidosis and no mortalityICU: 6.6 ± 1.5 d ED: 6.0 ± 1.2 d
Ersöz et al[16] Prospective randomized open trialTurkey2020: ICUICU: 10 intravenous regular insulin ICU: 10 subcutaneous insulin lisproNo need to switch to IV regular insulin, no hypoglycemic events, no complications, no recurrence of ketoacidosis and no mortalityNot mentioned
Umpierrez et al[18] Prospective randomized open trialUnited States2010: ICU 10: MWICU: 20 intravenous regular insulin IMU: 10 subcutaneous insulin lispro Regular floor: 10 subcutaneous insulin lisproHypoglycemic event presented in each group in only 1 patient per group, no complications, np recurrence of ketoacidosis and no mortalityIMU and Regular floor: 4 ± 2 d ICU: 4 ± 1 d
Sotiropoulos et al[25] Prospective study (June 2007 - May 31 2008)Greece2121: EDED: 21 intravenous regular insulinMyocardial infarction in only 1 patient - Mortality 4.7%Not mentioned
Della Manna et al[26] Controlled clinical trial (June 2001 - June 2003)Brazil603: ICU 57: EDICU: 3 intravenous regular insulin ED: 27 intravenous regular insulin ED: 30 subcutaneous insulin lisproHypoglycemic event on 10 patients, 6 patients due to regular insulin and 4 due to lispro; no complications, no recurrence of ketoacidosis and no mortalityNot mentioned