Systematic Reviews
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2016.
World J Diabetes. May 25, 2016; 7(10): 209-229
Published online May 25, 2016. doi: 10.4239/wjd.v7.i10.209
Table 3 Diabetes management: Technology assisted interventions
CountryRef.ObjectiveStudy designSample size/characteristicsComponents of interventionMeasurementsOutcome measuresConclusion
BangladeshKibriya et al[72]To evaluate effectiveness of HMBGRCTn = 64, 32 in each arm, T2DM requiring OHA/insulin, 35-64 yr, completed secondary school education, high SESHealth Education Sessions, HMBG Practical Sessions for 2 dFBG, HbA1c0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 moHMBG + education is cost-effective in developing country. FBG decreased by 2.49 mmol (P = 0.007) and HbA1c decreased by 1.37% (P = 0.02) in experimental group. FBG decreased by 1.47 mmol (P = 0.051) and HbA1c lost significance after 18 mo of follow up in control group
BulgariaKempf et al[73]To evaluate effectiveness of SMBG on T2DM patientsRCTn = 124, 63 in SMBG group, 61 in control groupStructured lifestyle guidance manual, 150 test strips with blood glucose meterHbA1c0, 12 wk, 18 moAt 12 wk of intervention the SMBG group significantly improved glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels [from 7.4 to 6.9 (P < 0.001)], whereas HbA1c reduction were not significant in the control group. At 1.5-yr follow-up, in the control group HbA1c increased again, reaching baseline values (7.5%). In the SMBG group HbA1c remained stable [6.9%(P = 0.0003 for trend)]
ChinaChen et al[75]To evaluate the functionality of telehealth systemTwo group experimentaln = 64, 32 in experimental and 32 in control, T2DMTelehealth device package with blood glucose meter for frequent monitoring according to recommendations, telehealth data analysis platform, telephone to contact health care professional, diabetes educationHbA1c0 and 1 yrHbA1c decreased from 9.5 to 8 in telehealth group (P < 0.001), while in the control group, there was no significant improvement in HbA1c
IndiaShetty et al[77]To investigate feasibility of SMSRCTn = 215, 110 in SMS group and 105 in control group, diagnosed T2DM > 5 yr, 10% < HbA1c > 7%SMS once in 3 d as reminders to follow diet, physical activity and prescription adherence remindersHbA1c, FBG, Lipid profile0, 4, 8 and 12 moSMS communication is acceptable and it improved health outcomes for diabetic patients. Mean FPG (185 mg/dL to 166, P < 0.002) and 2h PG 263 mg/dL to 220, P < 0.002) levels decreased significantly in the SMS group. There was no significant difference in the mean HbA1c values in both groups
IranZolfaghari et al[76]To evaluate effect of nurse short SMS vs telephone follow-upsRCTn = 80, 39 in SMS group and 42 in telephone follow-up group, T2DM, used oral medications onlySMS group received 6 messages every week with info on exercise, medication compliance, diet adherence; Telephone group received at least 2x a week call for 1st month and then weekly for 2nd and 3rd month, each call lasting 20 minHbA1c, BMI0 and 3 moHbA1c decreased -0.93 (P < 0.001) for telephone group and -1.01 (P < 0.001) for SMS group. Both follow-up interventions can decrease HbA1c levels
IranNesari et al[34]To evaluate effect of nurse telephone follow-upRCTn = 60, 30 in each group, < 65 yr, HbA1c > 7%3 d diabetes self care education group before intervention, then telephone follow-up 2x/week for first month and then weekly for 2nd and third months with 30 min durationHbA1c0 and 3 moThe change in HbA1c level was significant for the experimental group after 12 wk but not for the control group (-1.87%, P < 0.001 for the experimental group vs -0.4%, P < 0.15 for the control group)
IranMoattari et al[78]To evaluate effectiveness of electronic educationRCTn = 48, 24 in experimental and 24 in control, diagnosed T2DM, insulin usage, ability to use website/internetChat rooms, consultation service, educational films, personal file feedback from physician onlineHbA1c, Lipid profile, FBG0 and 3 moElectronic education program can be useful in improving metabolic parameters in T2DM patients sign differences. Change in HbA1c in experimental group was -2.03% (P < 0.0001) and -0.6 in control group. FBS change was -10.87 mg/dL (P = 0.681) in experimental group and -0.79 in control group
MalaysiaIsmail et al[74]To evaluate effect of self-monitoring blood glucoseRCTn = 105, 58 in intervention and 47 in control, T2DM, age 35-65 yrGlucometer, health education, 2 d classes with demos of SMBGHbA1c0 and 6 moHbA1c level in the intervention group showed a statistically significant improvement of 1.3% (P = 0.001; 95%CI: 0.6-2.0), relative to the control group that underwent usual care
South AfricaRotheram-Borus et al[79]To evaluate feasibility of mobile phone-based peer support interventionSingle groupn = 22, diagnosed T2DMInformational support meetings, weekly success sessionsBMI, blood glucose, Coping, Hours of sleep0, 3 and 6 moAlthough the phone buddy system resulted in positive coping styles and better sleep, glucose levels increased in participants