Retrospective Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2022.
World J Gastrointest Oncol. Jul 15, 2022; 14(7): 1307-1323
Published online Jul 15, 2022. doi: 10.4251/wjgo.v14.i7.1307
Table 1 Patients’ demographics

All, n = 295
Age at diagnosis in yr, mean (min-max)63.7 (31-84)
Male, n (%)176 (59.7%)
Primary tumor site, n (%)
Body 139 (47.1%)
Antrum100 (33.9%)
Cardia33 (11.2%)
Lower esophagus3 (1%)
Gastroesophageal junction20 (6.8%)
Lauren classification1, n (%)
Diffuse61 (21.6%)
Intestinal or mixed152 (53.9%)
NOS69 (24.5%)
Differentiation degree2, n (%)
Well differentiated26 (11.7%)
Moderately differentiated75 (33.8%)
Poorly differentiated121 (54.5%)
Blood cell count and blood ratios serum quantification, mean ± SD
Neutrophiles6103 ± 3354
Lymphocytes1890 ± 1014
Platelets268658 ± 92373
Monocytes585 ± 407
NLR4.66 ± 7.1
LMR5.29 ± 9.2
PLR182.91 ± 148.19
Clinical/imagiological T stage3, n (%)
T112 (4.3%)
T267 (23.8%)
T3130 (46.3%)
T472 (25.6%)
Clinical/imagiological N stage4, n (%)
Nx14 (4.8%)
N043 (14.7%)
N166 (22.5%)
N262 (21.2%)
N37 (2.4%)
N+101 34.5%)
PreFLOT cycles, median (min-max)4 (1-12)
Progressive disease under preFLOT, n (%)24 (8.1%)
Suspension of preFLOT due to toxicity, n (%)22 (7.5%)
Waiting time to surgery in wk, median (min-max)12 (6-33)
Patients submitted to surgery5, n (%)271 (91.9%)
Total gastrectomy129 (49%)
Subtotal gastrectomy121 (46%)
Distal gastrectomy2 (0.8%)
Esophagectomy11 (4.1%)
Lymphadenectomy6, n (%)
D19 (4%)
D1+24 (10.6%)
D2193 (85.4%)
Resection margin7, n (%)
0249 (95%)
113 (5%)
Pathological T stage4, n (%)
T040 (14.7%)
Tis2 (0.7%)
T152 (19%)
T239 (14.3%)
T396 (35.2%)
T444 (16.1%)
Pathological N stage4, n (%)
N0147 (53.8%)
N136 (13.2)
N248 (17.6%)
N342 (15.4%)
Pathological stage regression, n (%)
T stage regression8126 (46.5%)
N stage regression9156 (57.6%)
Post-surgery tumor staging status, n (%)
Tumor downstaging161 (61%)
No response53 (20.1%)
Tumor upstaging50 (18.9%)
TRG10, n (%)
Complete tumor regression48 (20.1%)
Partial/incomplete tumor regression111 (46.4%)
No evidence of regression80 (33.5%)
Mortality status at the end of study time, n (%)
Dead62 (21%)
Alive233 (79%)

  • Citation: Tomás TC, Eiriz I, Vitorino M, Vicente R, Gramaça J, Oliveira AG, Luz P, Baleiras M, Spencer AS, Costa LL, Liu P, Mendonça J, Dinis M, Padrão T, Correia M, Atalaia G, Silva M, Fiúza T. Neutrophile-to-lymphocyte, lymphocyte-to-monocyte, and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratios as prognostic and response biomarkers for resectable locally advanced gastric cancer. World J Gastrointest Oncol 2022; 14(7): 1307-1323
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