©The Author(s) 2018.
World J Gastrointest Oncol. Jul 15, 2018; 10(7): 172-183
Published online Jul 15, 2018. doi: 10.4251/wjgo.v10.i7.172
Published online Jul 15, 2018. doi: 10.4251/wjgo.v10.i7.172
Table 2 Main targeted agents evaluated in metastatic gastric cancer
Biologic target | Targeted agent | Name/type of trial | Line of therapy | Study arms | Results | Ref. |
c-MET | Rilutumumab | RILOMET-1 Phase III | 1st | ECX + Ril | Negative effect | [58] |
EGFR | Cetuximab | EXPAND Phase III | 1st | XP ± Cet | No benefit | [48] |
AIO Phase II | 1st | FOLFOX + Cet | > 4 EGFR gene copies: Increased OS (log-rank P = 0.011; HR = 0.2, 95%CI: 0-0.8; P = 0.022) | [50] | ||
Panitumumab | REAL-3 Phase III | 1st | EOX ± Pani | No benefit | [49] | |
HER-2 | Trastuzumab | ToGA Phase III | 1st | XP/FP ± H | OS: 13.8 vs 11.1, P = 0.0046 OS (IHC+3, IHC+2/FISH+): 16 mo vs 11.8 mo, P = 0.0036 | [18] |
Pertuzumab | JACOB Phase III | 1st | FP + H ± Pert | No benefit | [19] | |
Lapatinib | Tytan Phase III | 2nd | Pac w ± Lap | No benefit (unselected population) OS (IHC: 3+): 14 mo vs 7.6 mo, P = 0.0176 | [21] | |
Trastuzumab emtansine | GATSBY Phase II-III | 2nd | TDM-1 vs taxane | No superiority | [22] | |
mTOR | Everolimus | GRANITE-1 Phase III | 2nd, 3rd | Everolimus vs placebo | No benefit | [55] |
VEGF, VEGFR | Bevacizumab | AVAGAST Phase III | 1st | XP ± Bev | Primary endpoint (OS) was not met PFS: 6.7 mo vs 5.3 mo, P = 0.0037 ORR: 46% vs 37.4%, P = 0.0315 | [25] |
Ramucirumab | REGARD Phase III | 2nd | Ram vs placebo | OS: 5.2 mo vs 3.8 mo, P = 0.047 | [26] | |
RAINBOW Phase III | 2nd | Pac w ± Ram | OS: 9.6 mo vs 7.4 mo, P = 0.017 | [27] | ||
Phase II | 1st | FOLFOX ± Ram | No benefit | [28] | ||
Apatinib | Phase III | beyond 2nd line | Apa vs placebo | OS: 6.5 mo vs 4.7 mo, P = 0.0149 PFS: 2.6 mo vs 1.8, mo, P < 0.001 | [30] |
- Citation: Gkolfinopoulos S, Papamichael D, Papadimitriou K, Papanastasopoulos P, Vassiliou V, Kountourakis P. Advances in molecular, genetic and immune signatures of gastric cancer: Are we ready to apply them in our patients’ decision making? World J Gastrointest Oncol 2018; 10(7): 172-183
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