Copyright ©The Author(s) 2017.
World J Gastrointest Endosc. Feb 16, 2017; 9(2): 41-54
Published online Feb 16, 2017. doi: 10.4253/wjge.v9.i2.41
Table 1 Characteristics and findings of studies of endoscopy-guided ablation for locally advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Ref.YearNo.Endoscopy techniqueType of ablationStage of PDACn (%)Median survival (mo)Complications n (%)Response rate n (%)
Chang et al[3]20008EUS-FNIEUS-FNI Cytoimplant4 (50) II 3 (37) III 1 (12.5) IV13.28 (86) fever, 3 (37.5) GI toxicities, 3 (37.5) hyperbilirubinemia3 (37) PR
Irisawa et al[85]20077EUS-FNIEUS-FNI DCs7 (100) IV9.9None1 (14) CR 3 (43) PR
Hirooka et al[86]20095EUS-FNIEUS-FNI DCs plus systemic GEM5 (100) III15.9None1 (20) PR
Hecht et al[4]200321EUS-FNIONYX-015 plus systemic GEM3 (48) III 2 (52) IV7.52 (10) sepsis, 2 (10) duodenal perforation, 2 (10) cystic fluid collection, 1 (5) fever2 (10) PR
Hecht et al[87]201250EUS-FNI or percutaneousTNFerade plus radiation and 5-FU(100) III13.26 (12) GI bleeding, 6 (12) deep vein thrombosis, 2 (4) pulmonary embolism, 9 (18) abdominal pain, 2 (4) pancreatitis, 1 (2) cholangitis1 (2) CR 3 (6) PR
Herman et al[88]2013304EUS-FNI or percutaneousTNFerade plus radiation (180 pts) and 5-FU vs radiation and 5-FU (90 pts)NR (Unresectable PDAC)10 (the same in two groups) NR (7 pts alive at 6 mo and 2 at 12 mo)34 (20) vs 10 (11) GI toxicities grade 3-4, 60 (33) vs 32 (35) hematologic toxicities grade 3-4, 22 (12) vs 7 (10), non-GI/nonhematologic toxicities (e.g., fever, fatigue) grade 3-48 (8.2) vs 6 (12) PR 3 PR
Hanna et al[89]20129EUS-FNI or percutaneous (TC-guided)BC-8198 (88.9) III 1 (10.1) IV4 (44) gastrointestinal disorders, 2 (22) abdominal pain, 1 (11) influenza like illness, 1 (11) fatigue, 2 (22) back pain, 2 (22) hypertension 2 (22) metabolic disorders, 1 (11) syncope
Facciorusso et al[81]2016123EUS-FNICPN plus ethanol (65 pts) vs CPN alone (58 pts)25 (20.4) IV 98 (79.6) III8.3 vs 6.516 (25) vs 14 (24) diarrhoea 31 (48) vs 11 (19) feverNR
Waung et al[51]20163EUS-guidedRFA3 (100) IIINR30 (46) vs 20 (34) abdominal pain NoneNR (14% mean reduction in size)
Song et al[48]20166EUS-guidedRFA4 (67) III 2 (33) IVNR2 (33) abdominal painNR
Figueroa-Barojas et al[44]201322ERCP-guidedRFA7 III plus 16 CHR 1 HGD IPMNNR5 (23) (1 pancreatitis post ERCP with cholecystitis, 5 abdominal pain)NR
Kallis et al[45]201569ERCP-guidedRFA plus SEMS stenting (23 pts) vs SEMS stenting alone (46 pts)100% III7.5 vs 4.11 (1.4) cholangitis, 1 (1.4) asymptomatic hyperamylasaemiaNR