Copyright ©The Author(s) 2016.
World J Gastrointest Endosc. Feb 10, 2016; 8(3): 128-142
Published online Feb 10, 2016. doi: 10.4253/wjge.v8.i3.128
Table 4 Theranostic markers in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma
Marker (drug)CountriesPatients with + markerStainingMedian survival (mo)HR
Pancreatic cancerSPARC[2] (nab-paclitaxel/ gemcitabine)United States6736+SPARC: 17.8 -SPARC: 8.1P = 0.0431
hENT1 (Gemncitabine)Canada[96]21Low hENT1: 12Low: 41
High hENT1: 9High: 13
Italy[158]83Low hENT1: 27Low: 8.54.21
Inter: 28Inter:15.7
High hENT1: 26High: 25.7
United States[97]91Low hENT1: 3920.51
High hENT1: 34
Belgium[98]45Low hENT1: 26Low: 13.34.31 (HR for death)
High hENT1: 19High: 18.7P = 0.0001 (OS)
Japan[159]40Low hENT1: 26Low: 8P = 0.011 (OS)
High hENT1: 14High:25
Japan[160]55Low hENT1: 16Low: 11.83.15 (OS)
High hENT1: 39High: 24.9
Belgium243Low hENT1: 14220.34
France[86]High hENT1: 92
Worldwide multicenter[99]177Low hENT1: 118Low: 6.11.147
High hENT1: 59High: 5.2
England[161]176Low hENT1: 77Low: 17.10.6
High hENT1: 99High: 26.2
MarkerCountriesCCA patients% mutatedType of mutationPotential theranostic value
CCAEGFR[94,105,109,112]United States, South Korea, Japan, Italy4001-81G719S kinase activationEGFR inhibitors
VEGF[108,162]South Korea27241.7-56.8Up-regulationAnti-VEGF therapies
Kras[109,111,142,163-166]United States, Germany, China, Norway, Japan1977.4-45SubstitutionU0126 (MEK inhibitor)
BRAF[109,110,164,167]United States, Germany, China2220-22Activating missenseBRAF inhibitors
ErbB2 (HER2/neu)[94,112]South Korea, Italy2844-5.1Up-regulationAnti-ErbB2 therapies
IDH1/2[109,114,115,168]United States57610-22.31Gain of functionα-KG-mimics reverse methylation
miR-21, miR-200b[40]; miR-29b, miR-205, miR-221[117]United States, Japan11Up-regulatedIncreased sensitivity to gemcitabine
miR-494[92]United States431Down-regulatedUp-regulation decreases tumor growth
Panel: CDO1, DCLK1, ZSCAN18 and SFRP1[169]Norway3987Promoter methylationAnti-methylation therapy
Panel: CDO1, CNRIP1, SEPT9, and VIM[170]3085
SFRP1[169,171-173]Norway, United Kingdom, South Korea, Thailand25559-83.6Promoter methylationTumor suppression with gene therapy (RNAi)