Opinion Review
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2022.
World J Gastrointest Endosc. Nov 16, 2022; 14(11): 657-666
Published online Nov 16, 2022. doi: 10.4253/wjge.v14.i11.657
Table 2 Recommended strategies for suspected common bile duct stones in patients with symptomatic cholelithiasis based on the ESGE and ASGE guidelines
ESGE guideline
ASGE guideline
LikelihoodPredictorsRecommended strategyPredictorsRecommended strategy
LowNormal liver function tests and no CBD dilation at USProceed to cholecystectomyNo predictorsCholecystectomy with/without laparoscopic cholangiography (IOC) or intraoperative US
IntermediateAbnormal liver function tests and/or dilated CBD on USPerform EUS/MRCPAbnormal liver function tests or age > 55 years or dilated CBD on US/cross-sectional imagingPerform EUS/MRCP, laparoscopic IOC, or intraoperative US
HighCBDSs identified at US or features of cholangitisProceed to ERCP CBDSs identified at US/cross-sectional imaging Proceed to ERCP
or features of cholangitis or dilated CBD with total bilirubin > 4 mg/dL on US/cross-sectional imaging