Copyright ©The Author(s) 2019.
World J Gastrointest Endosc. Jul 16, 2019; 11(7): 427-437
Published online Jul 16, 2019. doi: 10.4253/wjge.v11.i7.427
Table 2 Baseline characteristics of the included studies in the meta-analysis
Ref.YearCountryJournalDesignDescrip-tion of diverticuli-tis groupDescrip-tion of control groupHow diverticuli-tis is diagnosedTime from diagnosis to endoscopySample size
Diverticuli-tis groupScreening group
Current study2018United KingdomNot applicableRetrospec-tive observation-alPatients undergoing a colonoscopy after medical treatment of CT proven diverticulitisIndividuals from the general population undergoing flexible sigmoidos-copy for screening purposes at age of 55Computed tomographyup to 12 mo681309
Daniels et al[16]2014The NetherlandsSurg EndoscRetrospec-tive observation-alPatients undergoing a colonoscopy after medical treatment of CT proven diverticulitisIndividuals from the general population between the age of 50-75 undergoing screening colonoscopyComputed tomographyup to 6 mo4011426
Lecleire et al[17]2014FranceUnited European Gastroenterol JRetrospec-tive observation-alPatients undergoing a colonoscopy after medical treatment of CT proven diverticulitisAsymptomatic patients undergoing a screening colonoscopyComputed tomographyup to 6 mo404404
Choi et al[24]2014South KoreaDig Dis SciRetrospec-tive observation-alPatients undergoing a colonoscopy after medical treatment of CT proven diverticulitisHealthy individuals undergoing screening colonoscopyComputed tomographyup to 12 mo149298