Observational Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2017.
World J Hepatol. Jul 28, 2017; 9(21): 945-952
Published online Jul 28, 2017. doi: 10.4254/wjh.v9.i21.945
Table 1 Baseline characteristics of the patients at presentation
Patient ID1234567
Age at diagnosis (yr)34213021312425
Symptoms at presentationAscitesOesophageal variceal haemorrhage, abdominal painAbdominal pain; ascitesAbdominal pain, ascitesAbdominal pain, fever, mouth ulcersAscites, renal failure and sepsis (ITU admission)Abdominal pain
Risk factors for BCSJAK 2 positive MPD; OCPJAK 2 positive mutationNone identifiedFactor V Leiden; OCPJAK2 positive MPD (Essential Thrombocythaemia); Factor V LeidenJAK 2 positive mutationFactor V Leiden
AscitesModerateMildMildMildNone initiallySevereModerate
Albumin (g/L)28374949492526
Bilirubin (umol/L)19182018115132
ALT (U/L)-31-57---
AST (U/L)1344920342727743
Urea (mmol/L)
Creatinine (mmol/L)72437068519270
Sodium (mmol/L)143137143142140130133
Hb (g/L)13712115512815014788
WCC (109/L)7.99.610.95.75.728.86.8
Platelets (109/L)345183307247411400226
Rotterdam PI1.1160.0721.
Clichy PI4.391.993.134.043.447.547.55
Liver biopsyNot doneNot doneNot doneSuggestive of hepatic vein obstructionConsistent with Hepatic venous outflow obstructionNot doneNot done
Level of obstructionLeft hepatic veinHepatic veinHepatic veinHepatic VeinRight Hepatic VeinLeft Hepatic veinHepatic vein
Radiological interventionTIPSSTIPSSNoneAngioplasty and Stenting to Hepatic veinRight Hepatic Vein dilatationTIPSSTIPSS
Type of TIPSSViatorr (covered)Viatorr (covered)---Memotherm, then ViatorrMemotherm (Uncovered)
Medications post interventionWarfarinWarfarinN/AWarfarinWarfarinWarfarin, InterferonWarfarin
Duration of follow up (yr)4573131414
Comments/ complications following interventionTIPSS Stent redilatation after a week of insertionTIPSS stent stenosis - needed to be re-dilated in 2 yrMaintained on oral anticoagulation (warfarin) and did not require any interventionVascular Wallstent was re-canalized after 2 yrInferior RHV dilated 5 yr after the diagnosis (developed ascites and had compliance issues).Bleeding from hepatic nodule (with INR > 9). Managed conservatively. Later stent was changed to a covered one for TIPSS stenosis-