Copyright ©2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc.
World J Hepatol. Jun 27, 2014; 6(6): 394-409
Published online Jun 27, 2014. doi: 10.4254/wjh.v6.i6.394
Table 1 Biochemical and histological liver abnormalities in systemic lupus erythematosus patients according to different reports in the literature
Ref.Study typePatientswith SLENO. of patients with biochemicalalterations and alteration typesLiver histological findings
Mackay et al[11]Retrospective19(n = 19) ↑ AST, ALTMinimal changes, portal fibrosis, steatosis, inflammation (n = 11) Normal (n = 6) Chronic hepatitis (n = 2)
Chwalińska-Sadowska et al[12]Retrospective18NAMinimal changes (n = 13) Normal (n =5)
Runyon et al[13]Retrospective238(n = 124) ↑ AST, ALT, total bilirubin, ALP, GGT, LDH (≥ 2 × ULN)(n = 33) Steatosis (n = 12) Others: cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis, granulomatosis, chronic hepatitis, steatosis, cholestasis, centrilobular necrosis
Gibson et al[14]Retrospective81(n = 64) ↑ AST, ALT, ALP(n = 7) Portal inflammation (n = 5) Steatosis (n = 1) Chronic hepatitis (n = 1)
Miller et al[15]Prospective260(n = 84) ↑ AST, ALT, ALPMinimal changes (n = 14)
Matsumoto et al[17]Retrospective73NAHepatic arteritis (n = 11) Steatosis (n = 53) RNH (n = 5) Viral hepatitis (n = 2) SLE-PBC overlap syndrome (n = 1) SLE-AIH overlap syndrome (n = 1)
Luangjaru et al[9]Retrospective225(n = 80) ↑ AST, ALT ( ≤ 4 × ULN)NA
Chowdhary et al[7]Retrospective192(n = 40) ↑ AST, ALTHCV (n = 3) Steatosis (n =5) SLE-AIH overlap syndrome (n = 4) SLE-PBC overlap syndrome (n = 3) Cryptogenic cirrhosis (n = 1)
Piga et al[3]Retrospective242(n = 59) ↑ AST, ALT (≥ 2 × ULN)NA
Her et al[138]Retrospective141(n = 46) ↑ Total bilirubin, AST, ALT, LDH, ALP (≥ 2 × ULN)NA
Huang et al[90]Retrospective1533(n = 134) ↑ AST, ALT (≥ 2 × ULN during 2 yr)Chronic Hepatitis (n = 6) Minimal changes (n = 4) Normal (n = 3)
Zheng et al[2]Retrospective504(n = 47) ↑ Total bilirubin (13%), ALT (98%), ALP (42%), GGT (49%)(n = 10) Portal blood cell infiltration (n = 8) Hydropic degeneration (n = 8) Steatosis (n = 2) Mild cholestasis (n = 2) Focal necrosis (n= 1) Nodular cirrhosis (n = 1)
Takahashi et al[18]Prospective206(n = 123) ↑ AST, ALT (99%) ↑ ALP and GGT (81%)(n = 25) Lupus hepatitis (n = 16): Unspecific reactive hepatitis (88%) Active hepatitis (12%) SLE-AIH overlap syndrome (n = 6): Interface hepatitis (100%) Cirrhosis (33%) SLE-PBC overlap syndrome (n = 3)