Copyright ©2013 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Hepatol. Jun 27, 2013; 5(6): 311-322
Published online Jun 27, 2013. doi: 10.4254/wjh.v5.i6.311
Table 1 Non-viral factors associated with hepatocellular carcinoma
Non-viral factors contributing hepatocellular carcinomaRef.
Hereditary hemochromatosisPowell et al[23]
Non-alcoholic fatty liver diseaseCaldwell et al[14]
ObesityWolk et al[36]
DiabetesEl-Serag et al[15]
DietPolesel et al[44]
N-nitroso compoundsSauvaget et al[47]
AlcoholDonato et al[52]
SmokingMarrero et al[55]
Oral contraceptivesRosenberg[63]
Betel quidTsai et al[70]
AflatoxinQian et al[77]
CoffeeLa Vecchia et al[81]
SchistosomiasisEzzat et al[87]
PesticidesAnwar et al[10]
ThorotrastBull et al[89]
Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiencyVan Thiel et al[90]
Autoimmune hepatitisWong et al[92]
PorphyriasMogl et al[96]
Wilson diseaseReyes[98]
Primary biliary cirrhosisLiang et al[100]
Congestive liver diseaseMuguti et al[102]
Family history of liver cancerTurati et al[103]