Case Report
Copyright ©2010 Baishideng.
World J Hepatol. Feb 27, 2010; 2(2): 87-90
Published online Feb 27, 2010. doi: 10.4254/wjh.v2.i2.87
Figure 1
Figure 1 CT and angiography images. A: contrast enhanced CT revealing a collection filled of contrast at the hepatic hilium compatible with pseudoaneurysm and dilated intrahepatic bile duct; B: Selective arteriography of the celiac trunk showing the pseudoaneurysm arising from the common hepatic artery; C: Angiography of the common hepatic artery after embolization. No fill of the pseudoaneurysm is visible from this artery; D: Selective superior mesenteric artery arteriography three days after embolization. The pseudoaneurysm (white arrows) is partly thrombosed with persistence of filling from thin branches. The superselective catheterization of these vessel wasn´t possible due its tortuosity and narrow caliber.