Copyright ©The Author(s) 2022.
World J Hepatol. Feb 27, 2022; 14(2): 304-318
Published online Feb 27, 2022. doi: 10.4254/wjh.v14.i2.304
Table 2 Studies related to “non-alcoholic steatohepatitis”, “rodent models” and “metabolomics”
Rodent model
Produced by
Animals used
Biological sample
Platform used
DietaryHFDC57BL/6 mice. 6-wk-oldLiver extract and serumUPLC-QTOF-MS and GC-MSKim et al[94]
HFD and Paigen dietBALB/c mice. 6-wk-oldLiver extract and urine1H-NMRKlein et al[95]
HFD and HCDC57BL/6N mice. 6-wk-oldUrine1H-NMRJung et al[96]
HFD and HCDWistar rats. 6-wk-oldLiver extract1H-NMRBertram et al[97]
HFDC57BL/6S1ac mice. 4-wk-oldUrine1H-NMR and UPLC-QTOF-MSLi et al[98]
HFDC57BL/6J mice. 6-wk-oldSerum UHPLC-QTOF-MS and GC-MSLai et al[99]
High-fructose and saturated fatty acid dietSprague-Dawley ratsLiver extractHR-MAS and 1H-NMRTranchida et al[100]
HFHCC dietC57BL/6J mice. 8-wk-oldLiver extract and plasmaGC-TOF MS and CSH-QTOF MSTu et al[101]
HFDSprague-Dawley rats. 4-6-wk-oldLiver extractLC-MSWan et al[102]
HFDSprague-Dawley. 6-wk-oldUrine and feces1H-NMRChen et al[103]
MCDC57BL/6J mice. 8-wk-oldFecesGC-MSYe et al[104]
HFDSwiss albino miceSerum and feces1H-NMRCarvalho et al[105]
High fat-sucrose dietSprague-Dawley rats. 6-wk-oldSerumHPLC-QTOF-MSXu et al[106]
MCD and atherogenic dietC57BL/6J mice. 10-wk-oldLiver extractMSMontandon et al[107]
HFDSprague-Dawley rats. 6-8-wk-oldSerumLC-MSCui et al[108]
HFDSprague-Dawley, Fisher 344 and Brown-Norway rats. 5-wk-oldLiver extractLC-MSBoyce et al[109]
GeneticDb/db miceC57BL/6J mice. 10-wk-oldLiver extract1H-NMR and UPLC-QTOF-MSKim et al[110]
Ob/ob miceB6.Cg-Lepob/J mice. 8-wk-oldLiver extractHR-MAS and1H-NMRGogiashvili et al[111]
ChemicalDENSprague-Dawley rats. 4-wk-oldLiver extract1H-NMRWang et al[112]
CCl4Wistar ratsPlasmaUPLC-QTOF-MSLi et al[113]
CCl4Sprague-Dawley rats. 4-wk-oldUrineGC-TOF MSJiang et al[114]
CCl4Wistar ratsLiver extractGC-MSSong et al[115]
CCl4Sprague-Dawley ratsUrine1H-NMRWu et al[116]
CCl4Wistar ratsUrineGC-MSFang et al[117]
CCl4Sprague-Dawley rats. 1-yr-oldSerum and urineUPLC-QTOF-MSChang et al[118]
CCl4Sprague-Dawley rats. 7-wk-oldSerum1H-NMRLi et al[119]
CCl4Sprague-Dawley ratsSerum1H-NMRLiu et al[120]
DENSprague-Dawley rats. 6-wk-oldSerum1H-NMRYang et al[121]
Combined modelCombined (genetic + dietary) with HCDAcyl knockouts mice on a C57BL6/J background. 4-wk-oldSerumLC-MSZhao et al[122]