Basic Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2015.
World J Stem Cells. Jan 26, 2015; 7(1): 208-222
Published online Jan 26, 2015. doi: 10.4252/wjsc.v7.i1.208
Table 5 Gene ontology of NOTCH family genes
Gene symbolGene ontology biological process
NOTCH10000122 // negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0001525 // angiogenesis // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0001701 // in utero embryonic development // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0001708 // cell fate specification // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0001837 // epithelial to mesenchymal transition // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0001889 // liver development // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0001947 // heart looping // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0002040 // sprouting angiogenesis // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0002052 // positive regulation of neuroblast proliferation // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0002437 // inflammatory response to antigenic stimulus // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0003157 // endocardium development // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0003160 // endocardium morphogenesis // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0003162 // atrioventricular node development // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0003169 // coronary vein morphogenesis // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0003180 // aortic valve morphogenesis // inferred from mutant phenotype /// 0003181 // atrioventricular valve morphogenesis // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0003184 // pulmonary valve morphogenesis // inferred from mutant phenotype /// 0003192 // mitral valve formation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// 0003198 // epithelial to mesenchymal transition involved in endocardial cushion formation // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0003203 // endocardial cushion morphogenesis // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0003207 // cardiac chamber formation // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0003208 // cardiac ventricle morphogenesis // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0003209 // cardiac atrium morphogenesis // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0003213 // cardiac right atrium morphogenesis // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0003214 // cardiac left ventricle morphogenesis // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0003219 // cardiac right ventricle formation // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0003222 // ventricular trabecula myocardium morphogenesis // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0003241 // growth involved in heart morphogenesis // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0003256 // regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter involved in myocardial precursor cell differentiation // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0003264 // regulation of cardioblast proliferation // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0003270 // Notch signaling pathway involved in regulation of secondary heart field cardioblast proliferation // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0003273 // cell migration involved in endocardial cushion formation // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0003344 // pericardium morphogenesis // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // traceable author statement /// 0006357 // regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0006367 // transcription initiation from RNA polymerase II promoter // traceable author statement /// 0006955 // immune response // non-traceable author statement /// 0006959 // humoral immune response // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0007219 // Notch signaling pathway // inferred from mutant phenotype /// 0007219 // Notch signaling pathway // traceable author statement /// 0007220 // Notch receptor processing // traceable author statement /// 0007221 // positive regulation of transcription of Notch receptor target // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0007275 // multicellular organismal development // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0007283 // spermatogenesis // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0007368 // determination of left/right symmetry // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0007386 // compartment pattern specification // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0007409 // axonogenesis // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0007440 // foregut morphogenesis // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0007492 // endoderm development // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0007507 // heart development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// 0008284 // positive regulation of cell proliferation // inferred from direct assay /// 0008284 // positive regulation of cell proliferation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// 0008285 // negative regulation of cell proliferation // inferred from direct assay /// 0008544 // epidermis development // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0009790 // embryo development // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0009912 // auditory receptor cell fate commitment // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0010001 // glial cell differentiation // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0010467 // gene expression // traceable author statement /// 0010468 // regulation of gene expression // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0010718 // positive regulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition // inferred from mutant phenotype /// 0010812 // negative regulation of cell-substrate adhesion // inferred from direct assay /// 0010832 // negative regulation of myotube differentiation // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0014031 // mesenchymal cell development // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0014807 // regulation of somitogenesis // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0021515 // cell differentiation in spinal cord // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0021915 // neural tube development // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0030154 // cell differentiation // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0030182 // neuron differentiation // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0030216 // keratinocyte differentiation // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0030279 // negative regulation of ossification // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0030324 // lung development // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0030326 // embryonic limb morphogenesis // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0030334 // regulation of cell migration // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0030335 // positive regulation of cell migration // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0030513 // positive regulation of BMP signaling pathway // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0030514 // negative regulation of BMP signaling pathway // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0030900 // forebrain development // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0031069 // hair follicle morphogenesis // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0031100 // organ regeneration // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0031960 // response to corticosteroid stimulus // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0032495 // response to muramyl dipeptide // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0032496 // response to lipopolysaccharide // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0035116 // embryonic hindlimb morphogenesis // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0035148 // tube formation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// 0035914 // skeletal muscle cell differentiation // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0035924 // cellular response to vascular endothelial growth factor stimulus // inferred from direct assay /// 0042127 // regulation of cell proliferation // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0042246 // tissue regeneration // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0042640 // anagen // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0043065 // positive regulation of apoptotic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0043066 // negative regulation of apoptotic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0043086 // negative regulation of catalytic activity // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0045165 // cell fate commitment // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0045596 // negative regulation of cell differentiation // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0045603 // positive regulation of endothelial cell differentiation // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0045618 // positive regulation of keratinocyte differentiation // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0045662 // negative regulation of myoblast differentiation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// 0045665 // negative regulation of neuron differentiation // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0045668 // negative regulation of osteoblast differentiation // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0045687 // positive regulation of glial cell differentiation // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0045892 // negative regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0045893 // positive regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0045944 // positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // inferred from direct assay /// 0045944 // positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0045955 // negative regulation of calcium ion-dependent exocytosis // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0046427 // positive regulation of JAK-STAT cascade // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0046533 // negative regulation of photoreceptor cell differentiation // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0048103 // somatic stem cell division // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0048663 // neuron fate commitment // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0048708 // astrocyte differentiation // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0048709 // oligodendrocyte differentiation // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0048711 // positive regulation of astrocyte differentiation // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0048715 // negative regulation of oligodendrocyte differentiation // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0048754 // branching morphogenesis of an epithelial tube // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0050678 // regulation of epithelial cell proliferation // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0050679 // positive regulation of epithelial cell proliferation // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0050767 // regulation of neurogenesis // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0050768 // negative regulation of neurogenesis // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0050793 // regulation of developmental process // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0055008 // cardiac muscle tissue morphogenesis // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0060038 // cardiac muscle cell proliferation // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0060045 // positive regulation of cardiac muscle cell proliferation // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0060253 // negative regulation of glial cell proliferation // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0060317 // cardiac epithelial to mesenchymal transition // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0060411 // cardiac septum morphogenesis // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0060412 // ventricular septum morphogenesis // inferred from mutant phenotype /// 0060528 // secretory columnal luminar epithelial cell differentiation involved in prostate glandular acinus development // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0060548 // negative regulation of cell death // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0060740 // prostate gland epithelium morphogenesis // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0060768 // regulation of epithelial cell proliferation involved in prostate gland development // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0060842 // arterial endothelial cell differentiation // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0060843 // venous endothelial cell differentiation // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0060948 // cardiac vascular smooth muscle cell development // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0060956 // endocardial cell differentiation // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0060979 // vasculogenesis involved in coronary vascular morphogenesis // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0060982 // coronary artery morphogenesis // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0061314 // Notch signaling involved in heart development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// 0061384 // heart trabecula morphogenesis // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0061419 // positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter in response to hypoxia // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0070986 // left/right axis specification // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0071372 // cellular response to follicle-stimulating hormone stimulus // inferred from direct assay /// 0072017 // distal tubule development // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0072044 // collecting duct development // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0072144 // glomerular mesangial cell development // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0072602 // interleukin-4 secretion // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0090051 // negative regulation of cell migration involved in sprouting angiogenesis // inferred from direct assay /// 0090090 // negative regulation of canonical Wnt receptor signaling pathway // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0097150 // neuronal stem cell maintenance // inferred from expression pattern /// 1901201 // regulation of extracellular matrix assembly // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 2000737 // negative regulation of stem cell differentiation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// 2000811 // negative regulation of anoikis // inferred from mutant phenotype /// 2000974 // negative regulation of pro-B cell differentiation // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 2001027 // negative regulation of endothelial cell chemotaxis // inferred from direct assay
NOTCH20001701 // in utero embryonic development // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0001709 // cell fate determination // traceable author statement /// 0001890 // placenta development // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0002011 // morphogenesis of an epithelial sheet // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0002437 // inflammatory response to antigenic stimulus // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0003184 // pulmonary valve morphogenesis // inferred from mutant phenotype /// 0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // traceable author statement /// 0006367 // transcription initiation from RNA polymerase II promoter // traceable author statement /// 0006915 // apoptotic process // traceable author statement /// 0006917 // induction of apoptosis // traceable author statement /// 0006959 // humoral immune response // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0007050 // cell cycle arrest // inferred from direct assay /// 0007219 // Notch signaling pathway // traceable author statement /// 0007220 // Notch receptor processing // traceable author statement /// 0007275 // multicellular organismal development // non-traceable author statement /// 0007368 // determination of left/right symmetry // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0007399 // nervous system development // non-traceable author statement /// 0008285 // negative regulation of cell proliferation // inferred from direct assay /// 0009887 // organ morphogenesis // inferred from expression pattern /// 0010467 // gene expression // traceable author statement /// 0016049 // cell growth // inferred from direct assay /// 0019827 // stem cell maintenance // traceable author statement /// 0030097 // hemopoiesis // traceable author statement /// 0030154 // cell differentiation // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0030326 // embryonic limb morphogenesis // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0042246 // tissue regeneration // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0043065 // positive regulation of apoptotic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0043066 // negative regulation of apoptotic process // traceable author statement /// 0046579 // positive regulation of Ras protein signal transduction // inferred from direct assay /// 0046849 // bone remodeling // inferred from mutant phenotype /// 0050793 // regulation of developmental process // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0060413 // atrial septum morphogenesis // inferred from mutant phenotype /// 0060674 // placenta blood vessel development // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0061314 // Notch signaling involved in heart development // inferred by curator /// 0072602 // interleukin-4 secretion // inferred from electronic annotation
NOTCH30006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0006367 // transcription initiation from RNA polymerase II promoter // traceable author statement /// 0007219 // Notch signaling pathway // traceable author statement /// 0007220 // Notch receptor processing // traceable author statement /// 0007275 // multicellular organismal development // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0010467 // gene expression // traceable author statement /// 0030154 // cell differentiation // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0030900 // forebrain development // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0045596 // negative regulation of cell differentiation // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0045665 // negative regulation of neuron differentiation // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0048661 // positive regulation of smooth muscle cell proliferation // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0048663 // neuron fate commitment // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0050793 // regulation of developmental process // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0072104 // glomerular capillary formation // inferred from electronic annotation
NOTCH40001569 // patterning of blood vessels // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0001709 // cell fate determination // traceable author statement /// 0001763 // morphogenesis of a branching structure // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0001886 // endothelial cell morphogenesis // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0006367 // transcription initiation from RNA polymerase II promoter // traceable author statement /// 0007219 // Notch signaling pathway // traceable author statement /// 0007220 // Notch receptor processing // traceable author statement /// 0007221 // positive regulation of transcription of Notch receptor target // traceable author statement /// 0007275 // multicellular organismal development // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0009790 // embryo development // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0010467 // gene expression // traceable author statement /// 0030097 // hemopoiesis // traceable author statement /// 0030154 // cell differentiation // non-traceable author statement /// 0030879 // mammary gland development // inferred from direct assay /// 0045446 // endothelial cell differentiation // inferred from electronic annotation /// 0045596 // negative regulation of cell differentiation // non-traceable author statement /// 0045602 // negative regulation of endothelial cell differentiation // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// 0045893 // positive regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // traceable author statement /// 0050793 // regulation of developmental process // inferred from electronic annotation