Basic Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Stem Cells. Apr 26, 2024; 16(4): 389-409
Published online Apr 26, 2024. doi: 10.4252/wjsc.v16.i4.389
Figure 1
Figure 1 Generation of mice with bone mesenchymal stem cell-specific hypoxia-inducible factor 2alpha-KO. A: The mouse mating process; B: Prx-1 Cre gene identification; 100 bp is the positive band; C: Hypoxia-inducible factor 2alpha (HIF-2α) gene identification; 220 bp is the target band, 182 bp is the WT band; D: The differences in protein expression in primary bone mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) isolated from Prx1-Cre;Hif-2αfl/fl and Hif-2αfl/fl mice; E-L: HIF-2α (E) and HIF-2α Exon2 (I) transcript levels in BMSCs in Prx1-Cre;Hif-2αfl/fl and Hif-2αfl/fl mice; HIF-2α (F) and HIF-2α Exon2 (J) transcript levels in spleens of Prx1-Cre;Hif-2αfl/fl and Hif-2αfl/fl mice; HIF-2α (G) and HIF-2α Exon2 (K) transcript levels in muscles of Prx1-Cre;Hif-2αfl/fl and Hif-2αfl/fl mice; HIF-2α (H) and HIF-2α Exon2 (L) transcript levels in livers of Prx1-Cre;Hif-2αfl/fl and Hif-2αfl/fl mice; aP < 0.05. BMSC: Bone mesenchymal stem cell; HIF-2α: Hypoxia-inducible factor 2alpha.