Copyright ©The Author(s) 2023.
World J Stem Cells. May 26, 2023; 15(5): 281-301
Published online May 26, 2023. doi: 10.4252/wjsc.v15.i5.281
Table 3 Microorganisms present in the intestinal mucosa associated with stemness in colorectal cancer
Bacterioides dorei, Bacterioides vulgatum, Parabacterioides distasonis, Lachnoclostridium sp., and Mordavella spInhibit the action of factors related to CCSC phenotype. Inhibit CRC development and progression[59,114]
Bacterioides fragilisReleases an enterotoxin that promotes immune TME cells activation with secretion of factors related to CCSC[118]
Citrobacter rodentiumProtects the inflammatory CCSC niche[121]
Clostridium septicumContributes to CRC development and to the activation of signaling pathways associated with CCSC[59]
Enterococcus faecalisInduces the expression of TGF-β, thereby activating signaling pathways associated with CCSC. Activates Wnt/β-catenin signaling and pluripotent transcription factors associated with CCSC[113,115]
Escherichia coliUpregulates the expression of CCSC-associated genes. Releases genotoxin colibactin which induces the production of growth factors related to CCSC[112,117,79]
Fusobacterium nucleatumStimulates the secretion of immune factors related to CCSC[79]
Helicobacter pyloriPromotes the expression of markers associated with stemness[101,102]
Lactobacillus acidophilusPromotes proliferation or death in CCSC depending on dose[104]
Porphyromonas gingivalisPromotes the expression of markers associated with stemness[101,102]
Shigella, and CitrobacterUpregulate the expression of CCSC-associated genes[112]