Copyright ©The Author(s) 2019.
World J Stem Cells. Oct 26, 2019; 11(10): 803-816
Published online Oct 26, 2019. doi: 10.4252/wjsc.v11.i10.803
Table 2 High-throughput screening analysis for stem cell engineering
Techniques for high-throughput screeningAdvantagesApplicationsCell typesRef.
Microarray techniqueCell encapsulation in hydrogel-matrix spots; minimal consumption of cells and reagentsToxicity and phenotypic screening of NPCsNPCsNierode et al[60], 2016
Studying of the expansion of mouse ESCESCsFernandes et al[62], 2009
Microencapsulation using microfluidic flow focusingMultiple generation of 3D cellsStudy of embryogenesisiPSCsAgarwal et al[42], 2013
Encapsulation of cells and ECMs; controlled physicochemical properties of gel beadsStudy of ESC expansionmESCsAllazetta et al[63], 2013
Co-culture of pancreatic islets and hMSCshMSCsHeaden et al[64], 2014
Silicon stamp for spotting proteinControl of gel stiffness for stem cell fatesStudy of stem cell nichehMSCsGobaa et al[65], 2011
ECM arrayMimicking of microenvironmentsStudy of stem cell nichehASCsBeachley et al[66], 2015
Microwell array using thermoformed cyclic olefin polymerRound-bottom array, uniform size of well arrayEB generationmESCsVrij et al[67], 2016
Micro droplet array; hydrophobic-hydrophilic surfaceRobotics-free sample handling; high throughput; low reagent consumption; high-content readoutsScreening of iPSC pluripotency and proliferationiPSCsZhang et al[68], 2016
Serial dilution generatorGeneration of different concentration, combination and temporal sequence of drugsEffect of cytokine (Tgfβ3) on hBM-MSChBM-MSCOcchetta et al[69], 2015
Microraft arrayMimicking of microenvironments and enhancement of contactStudy of stem cell fate by mimicking nicheIntestinal stem cellsGracz et al[70], 2015
Micropattern-well hybridCompatibility of HCSScreening of stem cell differentiation and drug screeningNPCsYu et al[71], 2018