Copyright ©The Author(s) 2018.
World J Stem Cells. Jul 26, 2018; 10(7): 82-105
Published online Jul 26, 2018. doi: 10.4252/wjsc.v10.i7.82
Table 4 Overview and concise review of different published studies related to faecal incontinence and stem cell therapy in animal models
Ref.AnimalNRandomizedType of SCCompared toFI modelRepair?TreatmentEffect measureFollow upPrincipal ResultsSecurity concerns
[35]Rats32NoAUT/ALLOG BM-MSCsSham injury Injury + SSFSurg sectionSurgInj IEHistology In vitro contractility30 d↑ muscular area ↑ Electric response and relaxingNo
[36]Rats15NoMDSC AUTNo injury Crioinj/crioinj + SCsCrioinjuryNoInj IEHistology In vitro contractility7 dSC survive + myofibre differentiation ↑ contractility (NSS)No
[37]Rats??NoMyoblast ALLOGSubcutaneous levator ani thig muscleNoNoInj levator aniHistology??SC survivor injury necessary for myofibre formationNo
[38]Rab-bits31NohUSCs SYNG BM-MSCs ALLOGCulture medium SalineSectionNoInj IE 2 wk laterClinic EMG Histology2 wkBM-MSC: better continence ↑ act SS ↑ muscleNo
[39]Rats120YesMDSC ALLOGSalineSurg section EASSurgInj IEContractility13 wk↑ SS contractility 7/90 d only repairedNo
[40]Rats4NoMyoblasts ALLOGNoneNoNoInj IEHistology10 dSC survival and integration in sane host tissueNo
[41]Rabbits21NoMDSC AUTSalineSurg section EASNoInj IE 3 wk laterClinic Histology EMG + MAR2 mo 6 mo (control)↑ continence since 4w Miotube + myofibre (4wk), SC Survival, ↓ Cd3 and cd34 cells, ↑ proliferate ↑ SS MAR and EMG since 4wk and grewNo
[42]Rats224NoBM-MSCs ALLOG local/systemicPBS local/SystSurg section EASSurgInj IE/systemicMollecular Histology Neurophisiology21 dLocal: ↑ECM acute phase ↑ fibers SS detected 24-48 h (no later) ↑ activity↑ mortality nearly SS systemic
[43]Rats70YesBM-MSCs ALLOG local/systemicPBS local/Syst/Sham injuriesSurg section PNCNoInj IE/systemicMAR + EMG10 dIM/IV improve MAR, IV MAR non after PNC No SC survivorNo
[46]Dogs10NoMyoblast AUT + bioengineeringSC/nothingExcision 25% ASNoInj IE 3 mo laterCMAP/MAR Histology3 mo↑ MAR (non SS) Foreign body reactionNo
[47]Rats33NoMDSCs ALLOGSham control (9 vs 24 rats)Surg sectionSurgInj IEMigration lung-liver AS histology30 dNo migration2 benign local foci
[48]Rats45NoMyoblast SYNGUninjured crioinj + PBSCrioinjuryNoInj IEHistology/MAR2 mo (histo) 6 mo (function)Restitutio (60 d), SC integrated ↑ MAR 30 d, SS from 60 dNo
[49]Rats33YesMDSC ALLOGPBSSurg section (Proctoepisio)SurgInj IEMAR + EMG Histology4 wkImprove SS EMG + MAR 2wk not 4wk No differences in sphincter thicknessNo
[50]Rabbits12YesMDSC AUTSalineSurg section EASNoInj IE 3wk laterMRI/MAR + EMG Histology4 wkLabelled cells in MRI + areas, iron + myofibre ↑ ES MAR y EMGNo
[51]Rats??NoNeural enteric progenitors XENOGNo injury/Crio/Crio + SCsNONoBE: NPC + IAS cells + bilayerHistology/EMG4 wk↑ neovascularization normal functioningNo
[53]Rats50YesBM-MSCs ALLOG local/systemicSaline UninjuredExcision 25% ASNoInj IE/serial IV 24 h/3 wk laterMAR Histology (immunofluoresc)5 wk-↑ P 10d MSCs, 5wk MSC > Saline but no differences with uninjured Histology: ↓gap, fibrosis, scar/ Delayed 3wk no efficacyNo
[54]Rats40YesMDSC ALLOGPBSSurg sectionSurgInj IEHistology3 moNo differences between groupsNo
[55]Dogs15NoMyobl AUT + PCL beadsPBS UninjuredExcision 25% ASNoInj IE 1mo laterMAR Histology3 mo↑ SS MAR (50% basal) SC survival + differentiationNo
[56]Dogs10YesMyoblast AUT (A)(B) Myob aut + PCL beads with bFGFExcision 25% ASNoInj IE 1 mo laterMAR/CMAP Histology3 mo↑ SS MAR + CMAP B > A SC en 40% (A) vs 100% (B)No
[57]Rats80+ 20YesMDSC ALLOG + hidrogelNothing PBS-hydrogel Collagen/No injurySurg SectionNoInj IEContractility Histology3 mo↑Contract and ↑ all F-U in SC-Hydrogel ↑ SS Muscle SC-Hydrogel; ↓ inflammation SC-Hydrogel and collagenNo
[58]Rab-bits16NoMDSC AUTOnly EAS scafoldTotal EAS excisionNoEAS sustitutionHistol (every 3 mo) EMG 2 yr2 yrNo inflammation-reject, improve SS 3-6mo Improve EMG (no statistics provided)No
[59]Rats58YesBM-MSC ALLOG + electrostimNo treatment ElecrostimulationExcision 50%NoInj IE + electrostimHistology/MAR4 wk4wk, electrostimulation + 1 dose MSCs: ↑ muscle in injury area ↑ resting P compared with other groupsNo
[60]Rats32NoBM-MSCs ALLOG BM mononuclearSham surgery SSFSurg sectionSurgInj IEHistol/morphometry/MAR In vitro contractility30 dSC ↑ regen and SS contractility No differences between SC SC survive 30 dNo
[61]Rats32YesBM-MSCs ALLO + SDF-1 (simult/deferred)No treatment SDF-1Excision 50%NoInj IE + SDF-1 ± gelatin scaffoldHistology/MAR4 wkSDF-1 +/- SCs: ↑ resting P and %muscle and muscle organization and ↓ fibrosis (SS)No
[76]Rabbits20NoNeural enteric Progenitors AUTNo treatment Sham injuryExcision 50% IASNoSustitution (biosphincter) 6-8 wk laterHistology/MAR3 moFunctional improvement since 1mo, SS with others Regeneration, neovascularization and innervationNo
[63]Rats56YesBM-MSCs ALLOG + SDF-1 (deferred)No treatment SDF-1Excision 50%NoInj IE + SDF-1 ± gelatin scaffoldHistology Morphometry MAR Cytoquines8 wkPlasmid +/- SCS: ↑ MAR, muscle organization Plasmid: ↑ muscle mass SDF-1 sufficient for repairing without SC+ / -scaffoldNo
[64]Rats36YesASCs SYNGConventional sutureSurg sectionYes/NoInj IE biosutureHistology/MAR7 dNo functional differences SC survivor and migration to injuryNo
[65]Rats58YesHuman ASCsSSF Bulkamid (hydrogel)Surg sectionSurgInj IEMAR micro-CT Histology4 wkFunctional: ↑ SS ASCs and grew: no differences between carriers Morphology: no differences in muscle, > inflammation if ASCs, micro-CT correlationNo
[67]Rats60NoBM-MSCs ALLOG ± electroacupunctSham injury Elecroacupunture SSF acupunctureSurg sectionNoInj IVMorphology14 dSC+EA ↑vessels, fibroplasia and ↓ inflammation ↑ muscle SS and homing growth factors (SS). Electroacupunct promotes homingNo