Original Article
Copyright ©2013 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Nov 14, 2013; 19(42): 7389-7398
Published online Nov 14, 2013. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v19.i42.7389
Table 1 Comparison of patient clinical characteristics between the 0.5-1.0 cm group and the > 1.0 cm group n (%)
Variable0.5-1.0 cm group (n = 158)> 1.0 cm group (n = 123)P value1
Age (yr)52 (24-88)51 (27-84)0.467
Male/female109 (69.0)/49 (31.0)86 (69.9)/37 (30.1)0.873
Pre-existing hepatitis
Hepatitis B125 (79.1)106 (86.2)0.133
Hepatitis C13 (8.2)5 (4.1)0.161
Hepatitis B and C1 (0.6)1 (0.8)0.859
Child-Pugh grade
Class A/class B78 (49.4)/80 (50.6)58 (47.2)/65 (52.8)0.754
Liver cirrhosis
Yes/No55 (34.8)/103 (65.2)37 (30.1)/86 (69.9)0.417
Serum a-fetoprotein level (ng/mL)
< 2017 (10.8)11 (8.9)0.622
20-200116 (73.4)93 (75.6)0.681
> 20025 (15.8)19 (15.4)0.938
Tumor location
S2,S3,S4,S6,S7/S5,S873 (46.2)/85 (53.8)56 (45.5)/67 (54.5)0.923
Biochemical analysis
AST (IU/L)46.5 (11.3-235.2)46.1 (12.1-202.7)0.793
ALT (IU/L)48.4 (15.6-240.0)47.9 (13.8-212.4)0.560
Alb (g/dL)3.7 (2.9-4.2)3.6 (2.8-4.2)0.460
T-Bil (mg/dL)0.9 (0.7-1.4)0.9 (0.6-1.4)0.594
ALP (IU/L)83.5 (7.7-376.6)84.2 (8.1-284.8)0.744
PT (%)80.5 (58-100)83.0 (59-100)0.262
AFP (ng/mL)83.2 (6.3-1301.9)82.5 (5.4-750.7)0.849
Tumor diameter(cm)4.1 (3.1-5.0)4.1 (3.3-5.0)0.652
No. of ablation sessions before getting AM ≥ 0.5 cm
1 session/2 sessions115 (72.8)/43 (27.2)99 (80.5)/24 (19.5)0.143
Approaches of the first ablation session0.978
Percutaneous121 (76.6)94 (76.4)
Laparoscopic37 (23.4)29 (23.6)
Open0 (0)0 (0)
Table 2 Comparison of the recurrence pattern between the 0.5-1.0 cm group and > 1.0 cm group n (%)
Recurrence pattern0.5-1.0 cm group (n = 158)> 1.0 cm group (n = 123)P value1
LTP only74 (46.8)39 (31.7)0.01
IDR only34 (21.5)22 (17.9)0.45
LTP + IDR38 (24.1)16 (13.0)0.02
Total LTP112 (70.9)55 (44.7)< 0.001
Total IDR72 (45.6)38 (30.9)0.012
Table 3 Significant variables in the univariate analysis for local tumor progression, intrahepatic distant recurrence, and overall survival (n = 281)
Significant variablenP value1
Age (> 65 yr), yes/no123/1580.3760.2820.103
Gender (male), yes/no195/760.5710.4360.854
Liver cirrhosis, yes/no92/1890.4690.6450.912
Child–Pugh grade (Class B), yes/no145/1360.1730.7420.811
Tumor location (S5,S8), yes/no152/1290.5370.4880.635
Tumor size (4.1-5.0 cm), yes/no154/1270.0070.0110.005
AM (> 1.0 cm), yes/no123/1580.0010.0240.003
AST (> 40 IU/L), yes/no166/1150.6580.5860.879
ALT (> 40 IU/L), yes/no157/1240.6720.4600.734
ALP (> 110 IU/L), yes/no120/1610.3850.4730.581
Alb (> 3.5 g/dL), yes/no202/790.6220.5640.838
T-Bil (> 1 mg/dL), yes/no93/1880.5410.5020.796
PT (> 70%), yes/no216/650.3360.5730.636
AFP (> 200 ng/mL), yes/no44/2370.0160.0320.028
Post-RF ablation antiviral therapy, yes/no86/1950.2750.5470.201
Body mass index (> 25 kg/m2), yes/no83/1980.6110.5820.913
No. of ablation sessions before getting AM ≥ 0.5 cm (2 sessions), yes/no67/2140.0340.0410.031
Approaches of the first ablation session (Laparoscopic), yes/no66/2150.4590.3830.728
Table 4 Significant variables in the multivariate analysis for local tumor progression, intrahepatic distant recurrence, and overall survival (n = 281)
Significant variableLTP
HR95%CIP value1HR95%CIP value1HR ratio95%CIP value1
Tumor size (4.1-5.0 cm), yes/no1.0320.521-1.3760.4750.8910.452-1.6020.7440.8820.673-1.5720.084
AM (> 1.0 cm), yes/no1.4840.101-1.8120.0011.2781.137-1.7290.0251.6040.881-2.7530.002
AFP (> 200 ng/mL), yes/no0.9470.540-1.0500.5310.5090.370-1.2150.5461.0070.639-1.1580.748
No. of ablation sessions before getting AM ≥ 0.5 cm (2 sessions), yes/no1.0120.683-1.7720.6630.9230.562-1.2180.3470.7450.321-.4310.325