Original Article
Copyright ©2012 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Jun 14, 2012; 18(22): 2775-2783
Published online Jun 14, 2012. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v18.i22.2775
Table 1 Radical resection procedures for 152 patients with gallbladder cancer
ProcedureNo. of patients
Extended cholecystectomy (n = 93)
C + WR + BD + N154
C + WR + N21
C2 + BD + N12
C2 + N6
More extensive resection (n = 59)
C + ERH + BD + N27
C + Central hepatectomy3 + BD + N3
C + Extended left hepatectomy4 + BD + N1
C + Right trisectionectomy + BD + N1
C + WR + PD + N15
C + ERH + PD + N7
C + ERH + PPPD + N3
C2 + PD + N2
Table 2 Topographical distribution of 3352 lymph nodes evaluated in 152 patients with gallbladder cancer
Node groupNo. of patients with node group evaluatedNo. of lymphnodes evaluated
No. of patients with positive nodesNo. ofpositive nodes
Range per patient (median)TotalRange per patient (median)Total
First-echelon node groups
Pericholedochal11520-9 (2)410431-9 (1)75
Cystic duct1520-2 (1)109301-2 (1)33
Second-echelon node groups
Retroportal1520-9 (3)458231-5 (2)47
Posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal21500-9 (2)341201-7 (1)37
Hepatic artery1480-12 (3)536201-10 (1)50
Right celiac31280-8 (2)320151-4 (1)28
Hilar (porta hepatis)1210-5 (0)370NA0
More distant node groups
Superior mesenteric500-14 (2)17141-5 (2)10
Posterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal380-7 (1)5631-5 (2)8
Anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal290-5 (0)1911-1 (1)1
Anterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal270-4 (0)1521-3 (2)4
Perigastric520-23 (2)20541-1 (1)4
Paraaortic node groups9341-28 (6)675151-16 (2)59
Table 3 Site of nodal involvement in 27 patients with a single positive node
Node group involvedNo. of patients
Cystic duct11
Posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal3
Hepatic artery1
Table 4 Five-year survivors with nodal disease according to type of regional lymphadenectomy
No. of positive nodesNo. of 5-year survivors
Extended portal LNDPeripancreatic (head only) LND with PDTotal
≥ 4134