Brief Article
Copyright ©2012 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Mar 14, 2012; 18(10): 1110-1116
Published online Mar 14, 2012. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v18.i10.1110
Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with/without hepatic neoplasm-associated pyogenic liver abscess (mean ± SD) n (%)
VariableHN group(n = 35)Non-HN group(n = 283)P value
Age (yr)67.7 ± 16.265.4 ± 15.130.40
Sex (male: female)18:17163:120
Diabetes mellitus9 (25.7)81 (28.6)0.36
Hypertension12 (34.3)78 (27.6)0.20
Ischemic heart disease1 (2.9)23 (8.1)0.14
Stroke2 (5.7)31 (11.0)0.17
Duration of symptoms before presentation (d)3.7 ± 2.84.9 ± 4.90.18
Symptoms and signs
Fever and chill34 (97.1)268 (94.7)0.27
Right upper quadrant pain24 (68.6)149 (52.7)< 0.04
Diarrhea1 (2.9)21 (7.5)0.16
Cough and sputum6 (17.1)59 (20.8)0.41
Jaundice5 (14.3)16 (5.7)< 0.03
Hepatomegaly6 (17.1)11 (3.9)< 0.01
Right pleural effusion/ consolidation (on admission)3 (8.6)39 (13.8)0.20
Table 2 Laboratory findings and radiological features of patients with/without hepatic neoplasm-associated pyogenic liver abscess n (%)
Laboratory parametersHN group(n = 35)Non-HN group(n = 283)P value
Hemoglobin (mean, g/dL)
White cell count (mean, 109/L)18.916.80.13
ESR (mean, mm/h)
CRP (mean, mg/L)120.0141.80.56
Albumin (mean, g/L)
Total bilirubin (mean, mol/L)43.330.00.05
Alanine aminotransferase (mean, U/L)
Hba1c (mean, %)
Bacteremia13 (37.1)120 (42.4)0.27
Radiological features
Size (cm, mean ± SD)6.8 ± 3.16.1 ± 3.00.19
Right lobe22 (62.9)156 (55.1)0.19
Solitary/multiple 15 (43)/ 7 (20) 133 (47)/ 23 (8.1)
Left lobe7 (20)82 (29)0.13
Solitary/multiple  5 (14.3)/ 2 (5.7) 73 (25.8)/ 9 (3.2)
Bilobar3 (8.6)37 (13.1)0.22
Hypoechoic31 (88.6)256 (90.5)0.36
Hyperechoic/heterogenous4 (11.4)27 (9.5)0.37
Thicken wall13 (37.1)55 (19.4)< 0.01
Rim enhancement26 (74.3)176 (62.2)0.08
Septal lobulation27 (77.1)164 (58.0)< 0.02
Aerobilia7 (25.9)16 (5.5)< 0.01
Fluid/gaseous cavitation 33 (94.3)/ 6 (17.1) 243 (85.9)/ 21 (7.8)0.08/ 0.03
Portal thrombophlebitis4 (11.4)5 (1.8)< 0.01
Subcapsular rupture of the abscess2 (5.7)16 (5.6)0.49
Table 3 Bacteriology, pathogenesis and confirmatory investigations of hepatic neoplasm- and non-hepatic neoplasm-associated pyogenic liver abscess n (%)
BacteriologyHN group(n = 35)Non-HN group(n = 283)P value
Gram-positive organism6 (17.2)23 (8.1)0.04
Streptococcus milleri3 (8.6)18 (6.4)
Others3 (8.6)5 (1.7)
Gram-negative organism8 (22.8)171 (60.4)< 0.01
Escherichia coli2 (5.7)27 (9.5)
Klebsiella spp5 (14.2)135 (47.7)
Others1 (2.9)19 (3.2)2
Mixed growth14 (40.0)43 (15.2)< 0.01
Unknown7 (20.0)46 (16.3)< 0.05
Antibiotic resistance10 (28.6)49 (17.3)0.05
Biliary tract disorder25 (71.4)175 (61.8)0.14
Portal pyemia3 (8.6)11 (3.9)0.10
Direct spread5 (14.3)0 (0)< 0.01
Hematogenous2 (5.7)5 (1.8)0.07
Cryptogenic0 (0)15 (5.3)0.08
Not investigated0 (0)77 (27.2)< 0.01
Table 4 Management and outcomes of pyogenic liver abscess with/without hepatic neoplasm n (%)
HN group(n = 35)Non-HN group(n = 283)P value
Imaging-guided aspiration ± drainage27 (77.1)/ 6 (17.1)233 (82.3)/ 206 (72.8)0.23/ < 0.01
Surgical drainage1 (2.9)18 (6.4)0.20
Complications and outcomes
Metastatic infection0 (0)17 (5.7)0.07
Septic shock14 (40)77 (27.2)0.06
DIC16 (17.1)44 (15.5)0.39
Acute coronary syndrome2 (5.7)14 (4.9)0.42
Respiratory/renal failure1 (2.9)14 (4.9)0.29
ICU care21 (2.9)31 (11)0.07
Recurrence1 (2.9)16 (5.7)0.25
Death25 (71.4)25 (8.8)< 0.01
Table 5 Summary of multivariate logistic regression analysis of mortality of pyogenic liver abscess
Variable1Wald estimate2βcoefficient (B)OR3 (95% CI)P value
Hepatic malignancy51.53.740.45 (14.76-111.65)0.00
Hypoalbuminemia15.20.21.22 (1.14-1.38)0.00
DIC5.21.23.32 (1.19-9.69)< 0.05
Acute coronary syndrome4.31.54.48 (1.08-17.80)0.02
Impaired renal function0.101.00 (0.82-1.12)0.76
Total bilirubin0.301.00 (0.71-1.51)0.48
Septic shock0.90.031.03 (0.82-2.67)0.39
Surgical intervention0.110.131.14 (0.71-3.90)0.74