Retrospective Cohort Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2023.
World J Gastroenterol. May 14, 2023; 29(18): 2836-2849
Published online May 14, 2023. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v29.i18.2836
Table 1 The clinical information of de novo and carcinoma in adenoma colorectal cancers

De novo (n = 33)
CIA (n = 30)
P value
Clinical information
Age (%)> 5530 (90.9)25 (83.3)0.814> 0.05
< 553 (9.1)5 (16.7)
Gender (%)Male16 (48.5)16 (53.3)0.148> 0.05
Female17 (51.5)14 (46.7)
Smoking history (%)Yes27 (81.8)19 (63.3)2.725> 0.05
No6 (18.2)11 (36.7)
Location (%)Proximal7 (21.2)21 (70.0)15.149< 0.05
Distal26 (78.8)9 (30.0)
Depth of invasionM8 (24.2)9 (30.0)1.504> 0.05
SMp9 (27.3)11 (36.7)
SMd16 (48.5)10 (33.3)
Treatment (%)Surgery21 (63.6)16 (53.3)0.688> 0.05
Endoscopy12 (36.4)14 (46.7)
Supplement chemotherapy (%)Yes21 (63.6)12 (40.0)3.520 > 0.05
No12 (36.4)18 (60.0)
Distal metastasis (%)Yes5 (15.2)2 (6.7)1.145> 0.05
No28 (84.8)28 (93.3)
Overall survival (%)1 yr33 (100.0)30 (100.0)
3 yr30 (90.9)28 (93.3)
5 yr23 (69.7)28 (93.3)
DSSYes26 (78.8)28 (93.3)2.715> 0.05
No7 (21.2)2 (6.7)
Endoscopic gross characteristics
Size%1 cm < S ≤ 2 cm14 (42.4)9 (30.0)30.514< 0.05
≤ 1 cm16 (48.5)0 (0.0)
> 2 cm3 (9.1)21 (70.0)
Macroscopic type%Is5 (15.2)6 (20.0)35.187< 0.05
IIa + IIc11 (33.3)1 (3.3)
IIc17 (51.5)4 (13.3)
Is + IIc0 (0.0)19 (63.3)
Surface changeErosion24 (72.7)13 (43.3)9.457< 0.05
Ulceration2 (6.1)11 (36.7)
None7 (21.2)6 (20.0)
Color changeReddened mucosa26 (78.8)2 (6.7)33.104< 0.05
None7 (21.2)28 (93.3)
NICEType 10 (0.0)0 (0.0)> 0.05
Type 20 (0.0)0 (0.0)
Type 333 (100.0)30 (100.0)
SanoI0 (0.0)0 (0.0)5.292< 0.05
II0 (0.0)0 (0.0)
IIIA17 (51.5)7 (23.3)
IIIB16 (48.5)23 (76.7)
JNET10 (0.0)0 (0.0)3.094> 0.05
2A0 (0.0)0 (0.0)
2B12 (36.4)5 (16.7)
321 (63.6)25 (83.3)
Chemical staining (crystal violet)
Pit patternVi1 (3.0)6 (20.0)15.774< 0.05
Vn13 (39.4)15 (50.0)
Vi + Vn19 (57.6)5 (16.7)
IV + Vi0 (0.0)4 (13.3)
Pit pattern at the edge of the tumorsI33 (100.0)0 (0.0)63.000 < 0.05
III + VI0 (0.0)30 (100.0)
Surrounding mucosa
PullingYes9 (27.3)21 (70.0)11.501< 0.05
No24 (72.7)9 (30.0)
Converging foldsYes27 (81.8)15 (50.0)7.159< 0.05
No6 (18.2)15 (50.0)
CSMCSM111 (33.3)4 (13.3)3.553> 0.05
CSM217 (51.5)21 (70.0)
CSM35 (15.2)5 (16.7)