Copyright ©The Author(s) 2021.
World J Gastroenterol. Aug 21, 2021; 27(31): 5201-5218
Published online Aug 21, 2021. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v27.i31.5201
Table 3 Treatment options for the various disease processes that contribute to the development of dysphagia in systemic sclerosis
Disease process
Therapeutic plan
XerostomiaDrinking water more frequently[2]
Using artificial saliva as needed[2]
Using special toothpastes and mouthwashes[2]
Avoiding medications that exacerbate dry mouth[2]
MicrostomiaPerforming exercises and massages to stretch the mouth[2]
Dental decayPlanning regular follow-up with experienced dentist[2]
Concurrent myositisFrequent screening for myositis in patients with SSc and suggestive symptoms[37]
Treating concurrent myositis with immunomodulatory therapy and interventional procedures[37]
Esophageal DysmotilityLifestyle management (taking smaller bites, chewing food thoroughly, drinking adequate water with food)[16]
GERDMedications (PPIs, H2RAs)[2,52]
Dietary modifications (avoiding acidic foods)[52]
Lifestyle modifications (avoiding meals before bedtime, elevating the head of the bed while sleeping)[2,57]
Candida esophagitisScreening for fungal esophagitis in patients with SSc and suggestive symptoms[73]
Prompt antifungal treatment[73]
Pill esophagitisAvoiding medications at high risk of causing esophagitis[79]
Screening for esophagitis in SSc patients taking culprit medications with suggestive symptoms[79]
GastroparesisMedications (prokinetic agents)[2]
Dietary modifications of small frequent meals with fiber[2]