Retrospective Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2020.
World J Gastroenterol. May 21, 2020; 26(19): 2403-2415
Published online May 21, 2020. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v26.i19.2403
Table 3 Diagnosis, procedures, and post-procedure complications for different types of periampullary diverticulum in three classification systems
Lobo classification, 1998
Boix classification, 2006
Li-Tanaka classification, 2012
Total65 (6.7)902 (93.3)306 (31.6)556 (57.5)105 (10.9)65 (6.7)655 (67.7)105 (10.9)142 (14.7)
Diameter of CBD (mm)14 ± 414 ± 50.3314 ± 515 ± 514 ± 60.3714 ± 414 ± 514 ± 615 ± 50.56
Max. size of PAD (mm)19 ± 813 ± 7< 0.00115 ± 813 ± 711 ± 7< 0.00119 ± 813 ± 711 ± 714 ± 9< 0.001
≤ 1011 (16.9)531 (58.9)146 (47.7)325 (58.5)71 (67.6)11 (16.9)384 (58.6)71 (67.6)76 (53.5)
10-2038 (58.5)287 (31.8)118 (38.6)182 (32.7)25 (23.8)38 (58.5)217 (33.1)25 (23.8)45 (31.7)
> 2016 (24.6)84 (9.3)42 (13.7)49 (8.8)9 (8.6)16 (24.6)54 (8.2)9 (8.6)21 (14.8)
CBD stones51 (86.4)765 (85.6)0.85262 (87.9)470 (85.0)84 (82.4)0.3151 (86.4)559 (85.9)84 (82.4)122 (86.5)0.79
Max diameter (mm)13 ± 512 ± 70.2312 ± 613 ± 712 ± 60.2613 ± 512 ± 612 ± 613 ± 80.58
Multiple stone19 (37.3)353 (46.1)0.22115 (43.9)224 (47.7)33 (39.3)0.2919 (37.3)258 (46.2)33 (39.3)62 (50.8)0.24
Difficult stone removal16 (31.4)273 (35.7)0.5396 (36.6)159 (33.8)34 (40.5)0.4416 (31.4)195 (34.9)34 (40.5)44 (36.1)0.71
Mechanical lithotripsy4 (6.2)35 (3.9)0.3321 (6.9)16 (2.9)2 (1.9)0.0084 (6.2)31 (4.7)2 (1.9)2 (1.4)0.13
Retained stones3 (5.9)59 (7.7)0.7920 (7.6)34 (7.2)8 (9.5)0.773 (5.9)38 (6.8)8 (9.5)13 (10.7)0.42
Guide wire in PD6 (9.2)86 (9.5)0.9430 (9.8)48 (8.6)14 (13.3)0.326 (9.2)66 (10.1)14 (13.3)6 (4.2)0.08
ERPD1 (1.5)45 (5.0)0.3611 (3.6)31 (5.6)4 (3.8)0.381 (1.5)36 (5.5)4 (3.8)5 (3.5)0.50
Operative time (min)44 ± 2141 ± 180.3541 ± 1841 ± 1743 ± 210.8144 ± 2141 ± 1743 ± 2139 ± 170.48
Difficult cannulation15 (23.1)93 (10.3)0.00238 (12.4)57 (10.3)13 (12.4)0.5715 (23.1)68 (10.4)13 (12.4)12 (8.5)0.01
Successful cannulation59 (90.8)894 (99.1)< 0.001298 (97.4)553 (99.5)a102 (97.1)0.0259 (90.8)651 (99.4)b102 (97.1)141 (99.3)b< 0.001
Adverse events8 (12.3)79 (8.8)0.3326 (8.5)48 (8.6)13 (12.4)0.448 (12.3)57 (8.7)13 (12.4)9 (6.3)0.30
Post-ERCP pancreatitis5 (7.7)53 (5.9)0.5819 (6.2)29 (5.2)10 (9.5)0.235 (7.7)38 (5.8)10 (9.5)5 (3.5)0.24
Acute cholangitis2 (3.1)25 (2.8)0.706 (2.0)18 (3.2)3 (2.9)0.552 (3.1)18 (2.8)3 (2.9)4 (2.8)0.98
Perforation1 (1.5)1 (0.1)0.131 (0.3)1 (0.2)0 (0.0)1.001 (1.5)1 (0.2)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)0.20