Retrospective Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2019.
World J Gastroenterol. Mar 7, 2019; 25(9): 1100-1115
Published online Mar 7, 2019. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v25.i9.1100
Table 5 Detection rates for assessment parameters among three protocols for assessment of small bowel obstruction n (%)
Assessment parameterProtocol 1
Protocol 2
Protocol 3
Reader 1Reader 2P-valueReader 1Reader 2P-valueReader 1Reader 2P-value
Presence or absence of SBO
Presence (n = 90)85 (94.4)87 (96.7)0.46989 (98.9)87 (96.7)0.31288 (97.8)88 (97.8)1.0000.378
Absence (n = 16)15 (93.8)14 (87.5)0.54415 (93.8)16 (100)0.31015 (93.8)16 (100)0.3100.430
Obstruction site
No (n = 16)15 (93.8)14 (87.5)0.54415 (93.8)16 (100)0.31015 (93.8)16 (100)0.3100.430
Proximal (n = 9)8 (88.9)7 (77.8)0.5279 (100)8 (88.9)0.3038 (88.9)8 (88.9)1.0000.570
Middle (n = 37)34 (91.9)33 (89.2)0.69134 (91.9)35 (94.6)0.64335 (94.6)34 (91.9)0.6430.775
Distal (n = 44)40 (90.9)41 (93.2)0.69443 (97.7)43 (97.7)1.00042 (95.5)43 (97.7)0.5570.160
Total (n = 106)97 (91.5)95 (89.6)1.000101 (95.3)102 (96.2)1.000100 (94.3)101 (95.3)1.0000.129
No (n = 16)15 (93.8)14 (87.5)0.54415 (93.8)16 (100)0.31015 (93.8)16 (100)0.3100.430
Adhesions (n = 20)18 (90.0)19 (95.0)0.54819 (95.0)20 (100)0.31119 (95.0)20 (100)0.3110.434
Neoplasms (n = 11)10 (90.9)11 (100)0.30611 (100)11 (100)1.00011 (100)10 (90.9)0.3060.597
Neoplasms (n = 9)7 (77.8)8 (88.9)0.5279 (100)8 (88.9)0.3038 (88.9)9 (100)0.3030.414
Nonneoplasms (n = 5)4 (80.0)4 (80.0)1.0005 (100)4 (80.0)0.2924 (80.0)5 (100)0.2920.749
Volvulus (n = 8)7 (87.5)8 (100)0.3027 (87.5)8 (100)0.3028 (100)7 (87.5)0.3021.000
Internal hernias (n = 6)4 (66.7)3 (50.0)0.5586 (100)5 (83.3)0.2965 (83.3)5 (83.3)1.0000.045a
External hernias (n = 9)9 (100)8 (88.9)0.3038 (88.9)9 (100)0.3039 (100)9 (100)1.0000.595
Bezoars/stones (n = 7)7 (100)6 (85.7)0.2996 (85.7)7 (100)0.2997 (100)7 (100)1.0000.592
Vascular lesions (n = 8)3 (37.5)4 (50.0)0.6148 (100)7 (87.5)0.3026 (75.0)7 (87.5)0.5220.004b
Inflammatory lesions (n = 7)6 (85.7)6 (85.7)1.0006 (85.7)5 (71.4)0.5156 (85.7)5 (71.4)0.5150.857
Total (n = 106)90 (84.9)91 (85.8)1.000100 (94.3)100 (94.3)1.00098 (92.5)100 (94.3)1.0000.001b
Presence or absence of secondary bowel ischemia
Presence (n = 38)28 (73.7)27 (71.1)1.00036 (94.7)35 (92.1)0.64434 (89.5)36 (94.7)0.3950.001b
Absence (n = 68)65 (95.6)67 (98.5)0.30865 (95.6)66 (97.1)0.64766 (97.1)65 (95.6)0.6470.928