Copyright ©The Author(s) 2019.
World J Gastroenterol. Sep 14, 2019; 25(34): 5049-5068
Published online Sep 14, 2019. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v25.i34.5049
Table 4 Diagnostic performance of tumor-associated autoantibody panel in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
Target antigen of auto-anti-bodiesAuthors, yearESCC cases, nStage, n
Con-trols, nSensiti-vity, all stages/ early stageSpecifi-city, all stages/ early stageAUC, all stages/ early stageMethod
c-Myc, HCCR, IMP1, Koc, p53 and p62Zhang et al[55], 2016324 (Train-ing)5/13130503987324 (Train-ing)67.9%/ 66.9%86.7%/ 86.7%0.838/ 0.829ELISA
186 (Valida-tion)129144696186 (Valida-tion)67.7%/ 56.7%85.5%/ 85.5%0.859/ 0.818ELISA
c-Myc, HCCR, p53 and p62Zhang et al[55], 2016324 (Train-ing)5/13130503987324 (Train-ing)67.6%/ 67.6%86.4%/ 86.4%0.838/ 0.831ELISA
186 (Valida-tion)129144696186 (Valida-tion)72.0%/ 63.3%85.0%/ 85.0%0.872/ 0.837ELISA
MAGEA4, CTAG1, TP53, SDCCAG8 and ERBB2_CWerner et al[101], 201631----3132126.0%/-88.5%/--Bead-based multiplex serology
p53 and MDM2Chai et al[68], 2014157----1578535.0%/-98.8%/--ELISA
p53, pl6, Imp-l, CyclinB1, c-Myc, RalA, p62, Survivin, Koc, Cyclin D1 and Cyclin EQin et al[58], 20141743/8795218-24275.3%/-81.0%/-0.78/-ELISA
p53, NY-ESO-1, MMP-7, Hsp70, PRDX 6 and Bmi-1Xu et al[43], 2014388 (Test)2/2996229275125 (Test)57.0%/ 45.0%95.0%/ 95.0%-ELISA
237 (Valida-tion)2/3111490--134 (Valida-tion)51.0%/ 46.0%96.0%/ 96.0%-ELISA
p53, NY-ESO-1, Hsp70 and PRDX 6Xu et al[43], 2014388 (Test)2/2996229275125 (Test)55.0%/ 45.0%98.0%/ 98.0%-ELISA
237 (Valida-tion)2/3111490--134 (Valida-tion)48.0%/ 45.0%96.0%/ 96.0%-ELISA
p53, IMP1, P16, Cyclin B1, P62, and C-mycZhou et al[44], 201488----8820064.0%/-94.0%/-0.78/-ELISA
HSP105 and TIMGao et al[51], 2014467---394054.3%/-95.0%/-0.823/-Western blot
p16, c-Myc and p53Looi et al[67], 200671----71827%/-100%/--ELISA
SURF1, LOC146223, HOOK2 and AGENCOURT_7565913Shimada et al[50], 200521-3135-3786%/-100%/--ELISA
Survivin, p53 and C-mycMeglio-rino et al[59], 200577----778229.9%/-95.1%/--ELISA