Copyright ©The Author(s) 2017.
World J Gastroenterol. Feb 7, 2017; 23(5): 751-762
Published online Feb 7, 2017. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v23.i5.751
Table 1 Baseline characteristics of meta-analyses on endoscopic ultrasound in esophageal carcinoma
Ref.TimeframePatients (No. studies; P/R)EUS types (MHz)Study criteria
Puli et al[52], 20081986-20052020 (25; 10/15)NREUS accuracy confirmed by surgery in distal and celiac axis lymph node metastasis
van Vliet et al[29], 20081985-20054713 (84; NA1)NRComparison of diagnostic staging performance of EUS, CT and PET
Puli et al[32], 20081986-20052558 (49; 16/33)NREUS studies on T and N staging confirmed by surgery
Thosani et al[30], 20121988-20081019 (19; 12/7)Radial and/or mini-probe (7.5-30)EUS in T1a vs T1b lesions compared to histology by EMR or surgery/excluded studies on < 15 patients, or with suspicious lymph nodes (> 1 cm)
Sun et al[76], 20151992-2013724 (16; 10/6)Radial, linear and/or mini-probe (5-20)EUS staging accuracy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Surgery was confirmatory test in all included studies.
Qumseya et al[36], 20151994-2012656 (11; 4/7)Radial, linear and/or mini-probe (NR)EUS in BE and HGD, or esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC)/excluded studies on advanced esophageal cancer