©The Author(s) 2017.
World J Gastroenterol. Nov 14, 2017; 23(42): 7644-7652
Published online Nov 14, 2017. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v23.i42.7644
Published online Nov 14, 2017. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v23.i42.7644
Table 3 Studies of efficacy and safety of pneumococcal and hepatitis B vaccines in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy
Ref. | Study design | Subjects (n) | Comparison groups | Outcome measured | Adverse effects | Effects |
Urganci et al[27], 2013 | Prospective cohort | 97-47 with IBD, 50 healthy controls | IBD patients and healthy controls | Hepatitis A and hepatitis B antibodies 1 month following hepatitis A vaccine and hepB series | No severe adverse reactions associated with vaccination | All participants seroconverted to hepatitis A IBD patients had decreased seroconversion to Hepatitis B (70.2% vs 90% in healthy controls, P = 0.02) No statistically significant association between treatment and vaccination response |
Moses et al[27], 2012 | Prospective, cross-sectional | 100 IBD patients | IBD patients receiving infliximab | Hepatitis B immunity (anti-HBs ≥ 10 IU/mL) | No comments on adverse effects | Older age at diagnosis and study visit, pancolitis, and lower albumin levels associated with non-immunity (P < 0.05) Infliximab dose, duration, frequency did not affect baseline immunity; associated with decreased immunity to booster |
Fallahi et al[44], 2014 | Prospective cohort | 38-18 with IBD; 20 healthy controls | A: IBD patients not receiving immunosuppressive therapy B: IBD patients receiving immunosuppression C: Healthy controls | Increase in total IgG 28 d after PPSV23 vaccination and percentage of switched memory B cells | No comments on adverse effects | IBD associated with decreased percentage of switched memory B cells and lower increase in total IgG level (P = 0.007 and P = 0.001, respectively) |
Banaszkiewicz et al[29] , 2015 | Prospective cohort | 178-122 with IBD; 56 healthy controls | A: IBD patients not receiving immunosuppressive therapy B: IBD patients receiving immunosuppression C: Healthy controls | Specific antibody response 6-8 wk following 1 dose of PCV13 | No serious adverse effects related to PCV13 | Adequate vaccine response achieved in all participants (90.4% in IBD patients vs 96.5% in controls) with no significant difference between IBD patients and controls (P = 0.53) Immunosuppressive therapy associated with decreased rise in geometric mean titers (P = 0.04) |
- Citation: Nguyen HT, Minar P, Jackson K, Fulkerson PC. Vaccinations in immunosuppressive-dependent pediatric inflammatory bowel disease. World J Gastroenterol 2017; 23(42): 7644-7652
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