Copyright ©The Author(s) 2017.
World J Gastroenterol. Jan 21, 2017; 23(3): 382-405
Published online Jan 21, 2017. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v23.i3.382
Table 3 Therapeutic agents that have been evaluated in experimental/pre-clinical studies targeting pancreatic stellate cells and cancer stroma in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
RefAgentClass/type of agentIn vivo/in vitro (study) modelOutcome of the study
Feldmann et al[219] 2007CyclopamineSteroidal alkaloidOrthotopic xenograft modelInhibited cancer cell invasion and metastasis by suppressing hedgehog
Diep et al[220] 2011Erlotinib RDEA119 and AZD6244EGFR tyrosine Kinase and MAP kinase inhibitorsIn vitro: Pancreatic cancer cell lines In vivo: BxPC-3 and MIA PaCa-2 mice xenograft modelInhibited cancer cell proliferation, EGF receptor signaling and induced apoptosis
Suppressed tumour growth
Froeling et al[221] 2011ATRA, 9-cis-RA and 13-cis-RAMetabolites of vitamin AIn vivo: LSL-KrasG12D/+;LSL-Trp53R172H/+;Pdx-1-Cre mice In vitro: AsPc1 and Capan1 pancreatic cancer cell lines, PS1 and other PSC cell linesRetinoic acid induced PSC quiescence and decreased migration
Decreased and induced proliferation and apoptosis of cancer cells
Chauhan et al[222] 2013LosartanAngiotensin inhibitorOrthotopic mice modelReduced stromal collagen production, expression of TGF-β1, CCN2 and ET-1
Improved drug and oxygen delivery to tumour
Sun et al[223] 2013CurcuminPhenolic compoundTGF-β1 stimulated PANC-1 cell lineInhibited proliferation and promoted apoptosis
Cancer cell invasion and migration was decreased
Edderkaoui et al[224] 2013Ellagic acid EmbelinPolyphenolic and benzoquinone phytochemicalPancreatic cancer cells and PSCsInduced apoptosis and inhibited proliferation
NF-κB activity was decreased
Macha et al[225] 2013GuggulsteronePlant polyphenolCD18/HPAF and Capan1 cell clonesInhibited growth and colony formation
Induced apoptosis and arrested cell cycle
Decreased motility and invasion
Kozono et al[226] 2013PirfenidonePyridone compoundIn vivo: Orthotopic tumour mice Model In vitro: PSCs isolated from pancreatic tissueIn vivo: Reduced tumour growth, PSC proliferation and the deposition of collagen type I and periostin in tumours was decreased
In vitro: Proliferation, invasiveness and migration of PSCs was inhibited
Guan et al[227] 2014Retinoic acidVitamin A derivativePanc-1 and Aspc-1 cell lines Cancer associated fibroblastsReduced α-SMA, FAP and IL-6 expression
Inhibited cancer cell migration and EMT
Gonzalez-Villasana et al[228] 2014Bisphosphonates and nab-paclitaxelMonocyte-macrophage lineage inhibitorsIn vitro: Human PSCs and cancer cell line In vivo: Orthotopic mice modelIn vitro: Inhibited PSC activation, proliferation MCP-1 release and collagen 1 expression and induced apoptosis
In vivo: Reduced tumour size, fibrosis, proliferation and increased apoptosis
Pomianowska et al[229] 2014Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2)Lipid compoundHuman PSCs isolated from resected pancreatic tumour tissueIL-1β and EGF induced COX-2 expression, TGF-β induced collagen synthesis and PDGF induced PSC proliferation was inhibited
Gong et al[230] 2014NexrutinePhytoceutical with COX-2 Inhibitor activityIn vitro: pancreatic cancer cell lines In vivo: BK5-COX-2 transgenic miceIn vitro: promoted cancer cell apoptosis and reduced their growth
Suppressed COX-2 expression
In vivo: NF-κB and Stat3 activity and fibrosis was decreased
Yan et al[231] 2014Crizotinibc-MET/HGF receptor and ALK tyrosine kinases inhibitorIn vitro: Human pancreatic cancer cell lines AsPC-1, PANC-1, MIA PaCa-2 and Capan-1 In vivo: Mouse xenograft modelIn vitro: Growth and proliferation was inhibited
Induced apoptosis
Inhibited ALK activity
In vivo: Inhibited angiogenesis, tumour growth and ALK activity
Zhang et al[232] 20145-AzacytidineCytidine analogueBxpc-3 cancer cell lineInhibited cancer cell proliferation by suppressing Wnt/β-catenin signaling
Wang et al[233] 2014miR-216amicroRNAIn vitro: Capan-2 and PANC-1 pancreatic cancer cell lines In vivo: BALB/c nude miceIn vitro: Inhibited cell growth and induced apoptosis
Down regulated survivin and XIAP expression
In vivo: Inhibited xenograft tumour growth by suppressing JAK2/STAT3 signaling pathway
Kumar et al[234] 2015miR-let7b and GDC-0449microRNA and Hedgehog inhibitorIn vitro: Capan-1, HPAF-II, T3M4 and MIA PaCa-2 cell lines In vivo: Athymic nude mice bearing ectopic tumourIn vitro: Decreased cell proliferation and induced apoptosis via Gli dependent mechanism
In vivo: Reduced tumour cell proliferation with increased apoptosis and tumour growth was inhibited
Petrova et al[235] 2015RU-SKI 43Hedgehog acyltransferase inhibitorIn vitro: Pancreatic cancer cell lines In vivo: Panc-1 xenograft mouse modelIn vitro: Reduced cancer cell proliferation and Gli-1 activation through Smo independent signaling
Decreased Akt and mTOR activity
In vivo: Tumour growth decreased
Massó-Vallés et al[236] 2015IbrutinibTyrosine kinase inhibitorTransgenic mouse and xenograft mice modelsReduced fibrosis and extended survival
Zhou et al[237] 2015Zileuton5-LOX inhibitorPancreatic cancer SW1990 cell lineInduced apoptosis, decreased proliferation and expression of 5-lipoxygenase
Lui et al[238] 2015Desferrioxamine, Di-2-pyridylketone-4,4-dimethyl-3-thiosemicarbazone and Di-2-pyridylketone 4-cyclohexyl-4-methyl-3-thiosemicarbazoneThiosemicarbazonesIn vitro: PANC-1 and MIAPaCa-2 In vivo: PANC-1 tumour xenograft miceActivation of the non-receptor tyrosine kinase Src and cAbl was decreased in vitro and STAT3 activation was reduced in both in vivo and in vitro condition
Khan et al[239] 2015OrmeloxifeneNonsteroidal drugPancreatic cancer cell lines and PDAC xenograft miceInhibited cell proliferation, tumour stroma through SHH pathway and stromal cell infiltration
Decreased collagen I expression
Restored the tumour-suppressor miR-132 expression
Liu et al[240] 2016OridoninTetracycline diterpenoid compoundAspc1, Bxpc3, Panc1 and SW1990 cell linesMigration and EMT was inhibited by affecting Wnt/β-catenin signal events
Haqq et al[241] 2016Gemcitabine with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid emulsion, (LipidemTM)Nucleoside analogIn vitro studies using pancreatic cancer cell lines Capan-1 and Panc-1 and PSC cell line; RLT-PSCDrugs showed antiproliferative and anti-invasive effects
Ji et al[242] 2016MMP2 responsive liposome loaded with Pirfenidone and gemcitabine---In vivo: BALB/c nude Orthotopic tumour mice model In vitro: Human PSCs isolated from surgical specimens of Pancreatic cancerPirfenidone inhibited collagen I and TGF-β expression in PSCs
Gemcitabine killed pancreatic tumour cells