Retrospective Cohort Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2016.
World J Gastroenterol. Jun 7, 2016; 22(21): 5068-5078
Published online Jun 7, 2016. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v22.i21.5068
Table 1 Baseline characteristics of the 161 included Crohn’s disease patients at the time of surgery n (%)
Mean age at the time of surgery (yr)36.4 ± 13.4Adalimumab22 (13.7)
Mean age at diagnosis (yr)28.7 ± 13.1Anti-TNF naive at the time of surgery37 (23.0)
Median disease duration (yr) (IQR)5.8 (2.0–11.7)Type of surgery
Female gender93 (57.8)Ileocecal resection76 (47.2)
Mean weight (kg)60.2 ± 14.8Ileal resection21 (13.1)
Mean body mass index (kg/m²)21.5 ± 4.9Ileo-colectomy14 (8.7)
Active smoker53 (32.9)Partial colectomy31 (19.2)
Familial history of IBD20 (12.4)Subtotal colectomy8 (5.0)
Previous appendectomy67 (41.6)Total colectomy9 (5.6)
Previous intestinal resection50 (31.1)Abdomino-perianal amputation2 (1.2)
Montreal classificationSite of anastomosis
Age at diagnosisIleo-colic91 (66.4)
A115 (9.3)Ileo-rectal9 (6.6)
A2116 (72.1)Ileo-ileal21 (15.3)
A328 (17.4)Colo-colonic31 (22.6)
Crohn’s disease locationColo-rectal7 (5.1)
L164 (39.8)Stomia
L221 (13.0)None113 (70.2)
L375 (46.6)Transitory39 (24.2)
L418 (11.2)Definitive9 (5.6)
Crohn’s disease behaviourSurgical technic of anastomosis
B112 (7.4)Stapled46 (43.8)
B275 (46.6)Handsewn59 (56.2)
B374 (46.0)Type of anastomosis
Perianal lesions69 (42.8)Side-to-end18 (18.0)
Anal ulceration, fissure15 (9.3)Side-to-side54 (54.0)
Fistula/abscess54 (33.5)End-to-end28 (28.0)
Medication at the time of surgeryMean length of ileal resection (cm)18.1 ± 17.1
5-ASA24 (14.9)Mean length of colonic resection (cm)14.3 ± 17.7
Steroids38 (23.6)Mean length of digestive resection (cm)31.6 ± 18.8
Budesonide9 (5.6)Perioperative complications25 (16.8)
Thiopurines36 (22.4)Free margin resection21 (17.1)
Methotrexate5 (3.1)Granuloma47 (40.5)
Infliximab15 (9.3)Median CRP level, mg/L (IQR)17.0 (3.8-61.0)