Systematic Reviews
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2015.
World J Gastroenterol. Nov 7, 2015; 21(41): 11877-11886
Published online Nov 7, 2015. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v21.i41.11877
Table 1 Nomograms predicting stage I-III colorectal cancer oncological prognosis
Ref.YearCancer locationTargeted patientsPredicted outcomeNumber of patientsC-indexValidationCalibrationVariablesComments
Weiser et al[8]2008ColonStage I-IIIRFS13200.77AbsentPresentAge, CEA, No. of positive and negative nodes, pT, adjuvant chemotherapy, cancer location, differentiation, lymphovascular invasion, perineural invasion
Segelman et al[9]2014ColorectalStage I-IIIPeritoneal carcinomatosis80440.78-0.80AbsentPresentAge, cancer location, pT, pN, radicality, type of surgery, preoperative radiotherapy, nodes examined, adjuvant chemotherapyOnly web-calculator was available
Ying et al[10]2014ColorectalStage I-IIIRFS, OS, CSS2050.80-0.81AbsentAbsentChemotherapy, tumor size, cell differentiation, TNM stage, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio
Zhang et al[11]2013ColonStage IIRFS7350.65-0.82PresentPresentExpression of microRNA, pT, internal obstruction or perforation, nodes examined, tumor grade
Goossens-Beumer et al[12]2015ColorectalStage II/IIIRFS930.80PresentPresentExpression of microRNA, TNM stage, age, gender
Peng et al[13]2014RectalStage II/IIIOS, distant metastasis8830.68-0.76PresentAbsentGender, age, CEA, cancer location, pT, pN, ratio of metastatic lymph nodes, adjuvant chemotherapy, adjuvant chemoradiotherapy
Valentini et al[14]2011RectalClinical stage II/III patients undergoing adjuvant radiotherapy or chemoraOS, local recurrence, distant metastasis27950.68-0.73PresentPresentpT, cT, pN, age, concomitant and adjuvant chemotherapy, surgical procedure, gender, dose of radiotherapy
van Gijn et al[15]2015RectalStage I-IIIOS, local recurrence, distant metastasis28810.75-0.79AbsentAbsentAge, pT, pN, PA-stage, distance, residual cancer, surgical type, gender, radiotherapy, complications