Case Report
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2015.
World J Gastroenterol. Jan 21, 2015; 21(3): 1014-1019
Published online Jan 21, 2015. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v21.i3.1014
Table 1 Reported cases of pancreatic tumor associated with vasculitis
Ref.Age/sex/race etc.FinaldiagnosisSymptomsSitesinvolvedPrior diagnosisTumor sizeimaging findingsDiagnostic criteriaOutcome
Ito et al[11]44/M/ JapaneseLocalized PANEpigastralgiaHeadNoND ERCP: CBD stenosisNDUnderwent PDDischarged
O'Neil et al[8]62/M/ WhiteGPAJaundice Otitis media Nasal ulcerationHead GallbladderNo3 cm CT: mass US: hypoechoic ERCP: CBD stenosisANCA (+) Needle biopsy: non diagnostic Renal biopsy: confirmedImproved on CYC + CSImproved on CYC + CS
Damani et al[5]46/F/ NDPANRight upper abdominal painNeckNo2 cm US: hypoechoic CT: low attenuation, nonenhancing massNeedle biopsy: non diagnostic Postoperative histopathologyCholecystectomy Distal PxDied (20 d) Various complication
Kariv et al[6]65/ M/ JewishPANEpigastralgia Weight loss Low grade feverHeadNo3 cm CT: massNeedle biopsy: chronic pancreatitisUnderwent PDRemission on CS
Matsubayashi et al[9]65/M/ JapaneseGPALeft abdominal pain Constipation Low grade fever TympanitisBody and TailS/O GPAND CT: Enlargement of pancreas with sporadic low density lesions12PR3-ANCA (+) AutopsyNoDied Hemorrhagic pneumonia Diffuse necrotizing pancreatitis
Tinazzi et al[10]48/F/ NDGPAMid-epigastric painHeadNo2 cm: US: Hypoechoic MRCP: Obstruction of pancreatic ductPostoperative histopathologyUnderwent PDImproved on CYC + CS
Gonzalez-Gay et al[12]75/M/ WhiteLocalized PANEpigastralgiaHeadNoNDPostoperative histopathologyUnderwent PDDischarged
Our case66 /F/ JapanesePAN Renal MPAOtitis media FeverHead Gallbladder Bile duct DuodenumNo2 cm US: Hypoechoic CT: Hypodense Non-enhancingMPO-ANCA(+) Postoperative histopathologyUnderwent PDImproved on CYC + CS Discharged