Copyright ©The Author(s) 2015.
World J Gastroenterol. Apr 21, 2015; 21(15): 4466-4490
Published online Apr 21, 2015. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v21.i15.4466
Table 3 Clinical trials with herbal traditional Chinese medicine preparations for gastritis
Hu et al[61], 2012565 pat.; gastritis or duodenal ulcer, gastroscopyLAC (see con- trol), + 3 caps. 2/d Jinghua Weikang, 7 d, then Jinghua Weikang for 14 more days30 mg lansopra- zole, 1000 mg amoxicilline, 500 mg clarithromycine (LAC) 2/d, 7 d, then lansoprazole 30 mg 1/d for 14 more days; or LAC + 220 mg bismuth citrate 2/d, 7 d, then bismuth citrate for 14 more days14C-urea test - no difference (abstract unclear). Similar efficiency, better symptomatic improvement (bloating, belching)11 hospitals; data presentation in abstract unclear. All gastritis patients were included in the intervention group
Li et al[64], 2011150 pat.; chronic atrophic gastritis120 pat.; Wei Yan serial recipe (WYSR) I - IV; no dose given, 2 × 3 mo30 pat.; Weifuchun pills; no dose given, 2 × 3 moWYSR is superior to control in total effective rate, symptoms, pathology. No difference in HIF, vEGFImproved precancerous lesions
Li et al[65], 2011229 pat.; chronic atrophic gastritis119 pat.; Hua Zhuo Jiedu recipe, no dose given; 2 × 3 mo110 pat.; Weifuchun tablets; no dose given; 2 × 3 moSignificantly better: pathological results, tumor markers. No difference in acid secretionNo rationale or parameter selection
Hu et al[62], 2010642 pat.; chronic gastritis or gastric ulcer + H. pylori196 pat.; PCM + Wenweishu 224 pat.; PCM + Yangweishu; 7 d222 pat.; 40 mg bid pantoprazole, 500 mg bid clarithromycine, 400 mg bid metronidazole (PCM); 7 dBetter symptom relief, no difference in H. pylori eradicationNo parameter for symptoms given
Hu et al[63], 200867 pat.; chronic gastritis + TCM symptoms; gastroscopy42 pat.; 4 × 0.5 g, tid Yiweikang capsules; 2 mo25 pat.; 4 caps. tid; Wenweishu; 2 moImproved symptoms in verum; no difference in H. pylori eradicationDiagnostically not homogenous; control in this group is verum in 2010 publication[62]
Zeng et al[74], 200690 pat.; chronic gastritis80 mg or 160 mg Jinghua Weikang3 × 10 mg/d domperidone; 14_d. No group size givenUnclear whether in group or be-tween group differencesData presentation insufficient
Wu et al[66], 200568 pat.; chronic atrophic gastritis + TCM symptoms36 pat.; Kangwei granules, 2 × 12 wk. No dose given32 pat.; Weifuchun, 2 × 12 wk. No dose givenGastroscopy, pathology significantly improved, symptoms n.s.Parameters not specified
Xia[67], 200498 pat.; chronic gastritisHerbal pairs; patient number, dose and treatment duration not givenBanxia Xiexin Tang decoction, pat. number, dose and treatment duration not givenTreatment is superiorNo explanation given
Chen et al[73], 2003362 pat.; gastropathy with H. pylori infection288 pat.; Kang Wei granules. No further data given74 pat.; triple therapy plus bismuth (De Nol)Improves symptoms of TCM classificationNo data given for diagnosis, intervention type and results
Ji et al[68], 1999226 pat.; gastritis with H. pylori infection136 pat.; Xialian Yiyou capsule, 4 wk. Dose not given90 pat.; Lizhu Dele capsules, 4 wk. Dose not givenSignificant improvement in clinical symptoms
Lu et al[69], 199875 pat.; chronic atrophic gastritis45 pat.; Wei Shu capsules; 6 mo. Dose not given30 pat.; Wei Ning granules; 6 mo. Dose not givenAtrophy, metaplasia, dysplasia significantly improvedNo data specification
Zhong et al[70], 1997202 pat.; chronic gastritis, intestinal metaplasia117 pat.; modified Shijinzu decoction, 3 mo; dose not given85 pat.; Weimeisu, 3 mo; dose not givenTreatment group significantly betterNo data specification
Yin et al[71], 1996143 pat.; chronic gastritis by EGD, + TCM symptoms75 pat.; Piweiping caps. I, II, III, IV; 3-6 mo. Dose not given68 pat.; Sanjiu Weitai; 3-6 mo; dose not givenSignificantly better cure rate, symptom score, biochemical parameterSome parameters do not make sense (lymphocyte transformation test, cAMP, DNA)
Li et al[75], 1995200 pat.; chronic atrophic gastritisGastrosia con-valescens; no data of pat. number, dose and durationDomperidon; no data on patient number, dose and duration of treatmentSignificantly superior to controlNo parameter specified
Long et al[72], 1994Verru-cous gas-tritis, no further informa-tionCombined TCM + Western medicine; no further informationWestern medicine (furazolidone, cimetidine); no further informationCombination is significantly better than WM aloneInsufficient data presentation
Liu et al[76], 1992138 pat.; intestinal metaplasia; 104 pat.; atypical metaplasiaXiao Wei Yan powder, 5-7 g/tid; 2-4 mo; no pat. numberNo information; not treated?Verum is effectiveNo description of control group