Case Report
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2015.
World J Gastroenterol. Mar 21, 2015; 21(11): 3361-3366
Published online Mar 21, 2015. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v21.i11.3361
Table 4 Presentation of patients with irritable bowel syndrome -bloating
Patient No./age (yr)/genderPrimary symptomsComorbidityOther GI therapySBI therapy/durationOutcome
IBS-U 1/50/MGas,GERD,polycarbophil,OngoingResolution of symptoms
Bloating,osteoarthritissaccharomyces boulardii lyo,35 wk
ABD Painpolyethylene glycol 3350, prn
IBS-USevere ABD pain,Hypertension,AntidiarrhealsDiscontinued after 6 wkUnimproved
2/82/Fbloating,atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
IBS-UBloating,Osteoporosisdenosumab,Completed after 8 wkResolution of symptoms
ABD pain,Low FODMAP diet