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Copyright ©2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc.
World J Gastroenterol. Dec 7, 2014; 20(45): 16868-16880
Published online Dec 7, 2014. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i45.16868
Table 1 Summary of pharmacologic agents studied in experimental acute pancreatitis
Pharmacologic agentAnimal model
Outcome assessmentCitations
Species nameMechanism of pancreatitis induction
Anti-secretory agents
GlucagonDogDuodenal obstruction, pancreatic duct infusion of lactated ringer solution or pancreatic duct infusion of bile-trypsin solutionNot beneficial when compared to simple volume resuscitation[15]
PigHemorrhagic pancreatitis induced by bile injection into pancreatic ductReduced mortality[16]
SomatostatinRatTaurocholateNo decrease in mortality[21, 22]
Protease inhibitors
AprotininDogHemorrhagic pancreatitis surgically inducedProphylactic and therapeutic potential[17-19]
Chlorophyll-aGuinea pigTaurocholate-induced necrotizing pancreatitisBenefit in survival[25-27]
PGE therapyRat, miceTaurocholate, CDE diet, or caeruleinProtective effect[29-31]
IndomethacinRatOlive oil or taurocholateBeneficial particularly early in induction[32-34]
Lipoxygenase inhibitorRatTaurocholic acidProtective effect[35]
SteroidRatCaerulein and taurocholateDecreased inflammation and protective[37-43]
IL-10Rat, miceCaeruleinReduction in severity of disease[44, 48-50]
LexipafantRat, miceIntraductal administration of 5% sodium taurodeoxycholate or caeruleinReduction in severity, SIRS, and bacterial translocation[46, 47]
Hemin/panhematin/ biliverdin/CO/IL-22Rat, micecaerulein, taurocholate, or CDE dietProtective and therapeutic effects[61-67]
Anti-TNF alphaMicecaerulein, taurocholate, or CDE dietDecreased inflammatory response and cell death[72-75]
TempolMicecarrageenan injected into pleural cavityDecrease in inflammation and shock[54]
SeleniumRatL-arginine hydrochlorideReduction in pancreatic injury[53, 145]