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Copyright ©2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc.
World J Gastroenterol. Oct 7, 2014; 20(37): 13306-13324
Published online Oct 7, 2014. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i37.13306
Table 3 Studies on the association between non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and carotid intima-media thickness in adults: evaluation of the independent predictors for intima-media thickness increase
Ref.cases nCohortNAFLD diagnosis byIndependent predictors for IMT
Brea et al[40] 200580NALFD and matched population controlsUSNAFLD, age, serum ferritin
Volzke et al[41] 20051261 + 2961German populationUSHepatic steatosis
Lonardo et al[129] 2006449Population/NAFLDUSAge
Targher et al[52] 2006145NAFLD and matched healthy controlsBiopsySeverity of histological feature of NAFLD
Targher et al[55] 2006200Type2 diabetes +/- NAFLDUSHOMA-IR
Aygun et al[49] 200880NAFLD and matched healthy controlsUSNAFLD and BMI
Sookoian et al[7] 2008 (Meta-regression analysis)3497SubjectsUSALT, GGT, NAFLD
Fracanzani et al[15] 2008375NAFLD and matched population controlsUS and biopsySteatosis, age and blood pressure
Kim et al[42] 20091021Cross sectionalUSNAFLD with MS
Petit et al[58] 2009101Type 2 diabetesMRSAge, no association with steatosis
Ramilli et al[43] 2009154Referred subjects for abdominal USUSNAFLD
Wang et al[130] 2009170Healthy subjectsUSALT levels
Salvi et al[50] 2010220NAFLD, healthy controlsNAFLD and MS
Mohammadi et al[44] 2011335Male NAFLD controlsUSNAFLD with or without MS
Neri et al[110] 201190Chronic hemodialysis plus steatosis and healthy controlsUS, biopsyHistological steatosis
Valenti et al[131] 2011506NAFLDUSSystolic blood pressure, glucose, LDL, abdominal circumference, age, ferritin
Huang et al[46] 20122590 + 6042Chinese population +/- NAFLDUSNAFLD
Kang et al[47] 2012633Non-diabetic +/- NAFLDUSNAFLD with or without MS
Thakur et al[51] 201280Non-diabetic NAFLD, healthy controlsUSNAFLD
Kim et al[132] 2013769Healthy subjectsUSUpper normal range of ALT in women with NAFLD
Oni et al[13] 2013 Systematic review16 studiesPopulation, cross- sectional, case-controlUS, biopsyPositive association between IMT and NAFLD
Petta et al[126] 2013162 + 267NAFLD and validation cohortBiopsyPNPLA3 polymorphism in younger patients
Kim et al[133] 20144437Type 2 diabetesUSNAFDL with insulin resistance