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Copyright ©2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc.
World J Gastroenterol. Oct 7, 2014; 20(37): 13306-13324
Published online Oct 7, 2014. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i37.13306
Table 2 Studies of the impaired left ventricular function and disturbance of rhythm in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Ref.Study designStudy populationStudy sizeDiagnosis of NAFLDCardiac parameters examinedResults
Left ventricular function
Goland et al[78], 2006Retrospective, Case-control study, Hospital-basedNAFLD vs control38 NAFLD 25 non-NAFLDUS or histologyComplete echocardiographic study, TDI, peak velocities of E and A diastolic filling, E/A ratio, Vp, E', and S' of mitral annulusNAFLD patients had increased thickening of the intraventricular septum and posterior, lower E diastolic filling velocity, lower E/A ratio, longer, lower Vp and lower E' No differences were found according to LV systolic function
Lautamaki et al[79] 2006Retrospective, Case-control study, Hospital-basedPatients with type 2 diabetes and CVD28 low liver fat 27 high liver fat Matched for age, BMI, fasting glucoseH-MRSPositron emission tomography. Myocardial perfusion was measured with[15O]H2O and myocardial and skeletal muscle glucose uptake with 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-D-glucose during hyperinsulinemic euglycemiaLiver fat content is independently associated with impaired myocardial metabolism
Fallo et al[80] 2009Retrospective, Case-control study, Hospital-basedNever-treated essential hypertensive patients48 NAFLD 38 non-NAFLD Matched for sex, age and blood pressure levelsUSComplete echocardiographic study: TDI, peak velocities of E and A diastolic filling, E/A ratio, Vp, E', and S' of mitral annulusNAFLD patients had increased prevalence of left ventricular hypertrophy , diastolic dysfunction that increased according to the degree of NAFLD
Perseghin et al[81] 2008Retrospective, Case-control study, Hospital-basedYoung non-diabetic men21 fatty liver 21 non fatty liver Matched for age, BMI, blood pressure levels, lipid valuesH-MRSMRI and MRSNo difference in morphological parameters of the LV, systolic and diastolic functions NAFLD patients had reduced values of PCr/ATP ratio
Bonapace et al[17] 2012Retrospective, Case-control study, Hospital-basedPatients with type 2 diabetes32 NAFLD 18 non-NAFLD Matched for age, sex, BMI, waist circumference, hypertension, smoking, diabetes duration, microvascular complication status, medication useUSComplete echocardiographic study, TDI, peak velocities of E and A diastolic filling, E/A ratio, Vp, E', and S' of mitral annulusNAFLD patients had lower E', tissue velocity, higher E-to-e' ratio, higher time constant of isovolumic relaxation, higher LV-end diastolic pressure (EDP), higher LV EDP/end diastolic volume No difference in morphological parameters of the LV, systolic functions
Hallsworth et al[82] 2013Retrospective, Case-control study, Hospital-basedNAFLD and healthy controls19 NAFLD 19 non-NAFLD Matched for age, sex, BMI, weight, and body surface area vs controlH-MRSMRI and MRSNAFLD patients had thicker left ventricular walls at systole and diastole, decreased longitudinal shortening, higher concentric remodelling. No difference in PCr/ATP ratio
Disturbance of cardiac rhythm
Targher et al[19] 2013Prospective, Hospital-basedType 2 diabetes281 NAFLD 119 non-NAFLD Adjustments for age, sex, hypertension and electrocardiographic featuresUS12-lead electrocardiogramNAFLD was associated with an increased risk of incident AF