Retrospective Study
Copyright ©2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc.
World J Gastroenterol. Jun 7, 2014; 20(21): 6594-6601
Published online Jun 7, 2014. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i21.6594
Table 3 Clinicopathological characteristics according to Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio and C-reactive protein n (%)
ParametersNLR < 6NLR6P valueCRP < 1CRP1P value
(n = 197)(n = 27)(n = 103)(n = 42)
Mean age (yr)151.8 ± 7.052.2 ± 6.30.74852.4 ± 6.952.4 ± 6.80.992
Male164 (83.2)20 (74.1)0.24381 (78.6)35 (83.3)0.522
Etiology (HBV)172 (87.3)25 (92.6)0.34590 (87.4)37 (88.1)0.991
GRWR11.20 ± 0.271.24 ± 0.300.4951.21 ± 0.291.23 ± 0.260.777
Total bilirubin (g/dL)13.8 ± 6.811.1 ± 12.50.0063.2 ± 5.811.5 ± 12.2< 0.001
PT INR12.6 ± 15.31.7 ± 0.50.7711.4 ± 0.36.6 ± 33.20.293
Child Pugh score17.9 ± 2.39.8 ± 2.2< 0.0017.8 ± 2.49.9 ± 1.9< 0.001
MELD score111.7 ± 6.820.6 ± 8.8< 0.00110.9 ± 6.019.4 ± 8.9< 0.001
AFP (ng/mL)1142 ± 366490 ± 19950.383128 ± 381346 ± 15930.389
NLR12.12 ± 1.1913.3 ± 7.79< 0.0012.54 ± 2.716.15 ± 7.370.003
CRP (mg/dL)11.03 ± 2.133.55 ± 4.760.0350.33 ± 0.293.87 ± 4.13< 0.001
Tumor number12.5 ± 2.33.3 ± 2.80.1622.7 ± 2.42.4 ± 2.10.352
Maximal tumor size13.10 ± 2.374.03 ± 6.130.4412.9 ± 1.54.1 ± 5.80.475
Microvascular invasion (+)38 (21.0)6 (23.1)0.80020 (21.1)6 (15.0)0.225
E-S grade (III-IV)94 (57.3)14 (56.0)0.90138 (44.7)17 (45.9)0.415
Beyond the Milan criteria69 (36.5)14 (51.9)0.12539 (39.0)15 (36.6)0.899
Pretransplant locoregional treatment146 (74.1)21 (77.8)0.68281 (78.6)30 (71.4)0.352